Help needed , Badly stuck!

Hi , I am implementing a number spinner which should take value like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,30,40,50,75,100,100+
I am using jQuery UI to implement the spinner
I wanted to know is it even possible to display text values in the spinner…
I have been trying several diff variations of code… to do the job, but to no avail

here is one variation>>>

var ind=0;
var qty = Array("1", "2", "3" ,"4" ,"5" ,"6" ,"7","8","9","10","20","30","40","50","75","100","100+");
$('#spinner').on({"spin":function(e,ui){if(qty[ind+1] > $('#spinner').spinner("value"))

                                        else if(qty[ind+1] < $('#spinner').spinner("value"))
                                                      if(ind > 0)


As far as i can see in firebug , this code is changing value of the spinner but for only a split second…as soon as it executes the line


the value changes back to normal spinner value

i have tried using ui.value = qty[++ind]

and $(this).val(qty[++ind])

can anyone tell me whats wrong with my code, or if I am doing it a wrong way, what is the right way to do this?
