HELP needed in retrieving codes to Visual Studio!

Hi, can someone please help me out with this? I’ve tried it a few time but couldn’t get the image scroller into the infoWindow! :confused:

I want to sort of MERGE this code


<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<style type="text/css">
	#container { text-align: center; }
	#imageBox{ margin: auto; width: 360px; border: 1px #000 solid; overflow: hidden; }
	#imageBoxInside { width: 10000px; }  #imageBox img { float: left; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; }
	#imageBox br { clear: both; }
	#controls img { border: 0; }

	function moveToPrevious(){
		new Effect.Move('imageBoxInside', { x: 180, y: 0, transition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal });

	function moveToNext(){
		new Effect.Move('imageBoxInside', { x: -180, y: 0, transition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal });

<div id="container">
    <div id="imageBox">
		<div id="imageBoxInside">
			<img src="C:/Users/L33508/Desktop/Images/sauce.jpg" />
			<img src="C:/Users/L33508/Desktop/Images/fish.jpg" />
			<img src="C:/Users/L33508/Desktop/Images/pizza.jpg" />
			<img src="C:/Users/L33508/Desktop/Images/noodles.jpg" />
			<img src="C:/Users/L33508/Desktop/Images/cover.jpg" />
			<img src="C:/Users/L33508/Desktop/Images/hotdog.jpg" />
	<div id="controls">
		<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="moveToPrevious(); return true;"><img src="C:/Users/L33508/Pictures/left_arrow.jpg"/></a>
		<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="moveToNext(); return true;"><img src="C:/Users/L33508/Pictures/right_arrow.jpg"/></a>

into this one shown here:

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.Master" CodeBehind="PeranakanMain.aspx.vb" Inherits="Peranakan_SG.PeranakanMain" 
    title="" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" runat="server">

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function addSymbol(){
		 //dojo.connect(, "onShow", setInfoContent);
	alert("Do you know where Peranakan food can be found??                            Take a look here!!!!");
    var stX             =   "23319.3347409758";
    var stY             =   "28825.7191286444";
    var pt= new esri.geometry.Point(stX,stY,map.spatialReference);
    //var strImage = "";
    var strImage = "images/museum.png";
    var symbol = new esri.symbol.PictureMarkerSymbol(strImage, 25,25);
    var attr = {"PlaceName":"Peranakan musem of Singapore","PlaceAddr":"addr"};
    var infoTemplate = new esri.InfoTemplate();
    infoTemplate.setTitle("Building Name:");
    var graphic = new esri.Graphic(pt,symbol,attr,infoTemplate);

   function setInfoContent(){
   function getInfoContent(graphic){
   var bc = new dijit.layout.BorderContainer({style: "font-size: 11pt; height: 520px; width:493px; background: #CCFFFF;"});
   var c1 = new dijit.layout.ContentPane({
   region: "top",
   style: "height: 20px width: 100%",
   content: "hello Peranakan!! Here is a brief description"

   //make a tab container 
   var tc = new dijit.layout.TabContainer({
   region: "center",
   style: "height: 65%; width: 100%;  "
   }, dojo.create("div"));

    //display attribute information
    var cp1 = new dijit.layout.ContentPane({
	//style: " background-color: red; ",
          title: "<font color= #E4287C><b>1900 - 1930</font> ",
          content: "<table><tr><td>Images <u>(add image)</u></td></tr></table><table><tr><td><img src='images/left_arrow.jpg'/></td><td><img src='images/batik_heritage1.jpg'/></td><td><img src='images/batik_heritage2.jpg'/></td><td><img src='images/batik_heritage3.jpg'/></td><td><img src='images/right_arrow.jpg'/></td></tr></table>"
    var cp2 = new dijit.layout.ContentPane({
    title: "<font color= #E4287C><b>1931 - 1960</b></font>",
    content: "<table><tr><td>Events <u>(add event)</u></td></tr></table><table width= 400 height = 120 ><tr><td width=150><a href='childpage1.htm' target='foo'>1970</a><br/><a href='childpage2.htm' target='foo'>1980</a></td><td><img src='images/timelineImg.jpg'/><td><iframe src='childpage1.htm' width='350' height='150' font-size='10pt' name='foo'></iframe></td></tr></table>"
    var cp3 = new dijit.layout.ContentPane({
	//style: " background-color: red; ",
          title: "<font color= #E4287C><b>1961 - 1990</b></font> ",
          content: "<table><tr><td>Links <u>(add link)</u></td></tr><tr><td><a href = ''>Peranakan Association</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href=''>Google</a></td></tr></table>"
    var cp4 = new dijit.layout.ContentPane({
	//style: " background-color: red; ",
          title: "<font color= #E4287C><b>1990 - 2011</b></font> ",
          content: "<table><tr><td>Images <u>(add image)</u></td></tr></table><table><tr><td><img src='images/left_arrow.jpg'/></td><td><img src='images/batik_heritage1.jpg'/></td><td><img src='images/batik_heritage2.jpg'/></td><td><img src='images/batik_heritage3.jpg'/></td><td><img src='images/right_arrow.jpg'/></td></tr></table><br/><table><tr><td>Events <u>(add event)</u></td></tr></table><table width= 400 height = 120 ><tr><td width=150><a href='childpage1.htm' target='foo'>1970</a><br/><a href='childpage2.htm' target='foo'>1980</a></td><td><img src='images/timelineImg.jpg'/><td><iframe src='childpage1.htm' width='350' height='150' font-size='10pt' name='foo'></iframe></td></tr></table><br/><table><tr><td>Links <u>(add link)</u></td></tr><tr><td><a href = ''>Peranakan Association</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href=''>Google</a></td></tr></table>"
	return bc.domNode;
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="NavigationContent" runat="server">
<asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
    <div dojotype="dijit.layout.BorderContainer"  design="headline" gutters="false" 
    style="width: 955px; height: 490px; margin: 0 0 0 0px;">

<div id="map" dojotype="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="center" position=""
        style="height: 498px; width: 1004px; margin-left: 63px;" ></div>


I’m still new & learning, any kind souls willing to help me out?

P.S. When I insert the 2 script sources from the first sample into the second, my icon on the map disappears! Any idea why too?

Hi, does anyone knows how to retrieve data from Microsoft SQL Server 2005 into an infoWindow (made use of DOJO toolkit) in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008? I’m using Visual Basic to do this.

I’ve connected the SQL server to Visual Studio but I have no idea what to do next.

Urgent help needed. Thanks!

I promised customer/boss/both I could do this. I believed I could just Google how to do it and cut-n-paste it, but Google doesn’t show me the codez. Now my reputation/job is on the line, and I’m too lazy/desperate/busy to find out how to do it myself.

So I spammed several forums to have someone else do my work for me:
HELP needed in retrieving codes to Visual Studio! - Education - Zimbio
HELP needed in retrieving codes to Visual Studio! - SitePoint Forums
HELP needed in retrieving codes to Visual Studio! -

Aw, plz me the codez? :lol:

To be fair, the first link is one of those search-and-copy sites. It even cites as the source, so he only posted the request in two places. I’d hardly call that spamming. Berating him for an assumption on your part regarding the reason he asks the question in the first place doesn’t really favor the .NET community. Why not just point him in the right direction, then guide him as he attempts thing himself?

Red, try reading the following page on setting up and consuming DataSources. It should get you headed in the right direction.

Creating Data Applications by Using Visual Studio

I can see both sides on this one. “Urgent” is a bit grating towards volunteers. He’s also obviously new at this and that may earn some coddling.

honeymonster is a good person and so are you Serenarules. You both help out a lot and are greatly appreciated. :slight_smile: Sometimes there is just a fine line between help vampires and neophytes.

Back to the topic at hand.

Yup. An (unwritten) rule when requesting help is to demonstrate some minimal effort beyond selecting the tools. Neophytes may not realize that a “just show me da codez already” may rub some of us old-timers the wrong way.

Redspots, try to show us what you have cooking and we may point you in the right direction.


I’ve moved the first thread into this one. Better?

Hmm. Still a very general request. Not much info on what has already been tried. It is very difficult to give advice or offer pointers to such a request.