Help needed with array chunk

Hi everyone,

I’m hoping someone could please assist me with the following. I’d like to split the contents of an array into 2 equal columns. Each column should have a <div class=“stylecol”>'; followed by half of the array’s contents.

$explode = explode("-", $row['names']);
$chunk = array_chunk($explode, 2);
foreach ($chunk as $con ) {
echo '<div class="stylecol">

Something isn’t working…

Thank you in advance!

You’ve told it you want the array split into groups of two like

but you’re looking for two groups, right?

I think maybe array_chunk() is not what you want. You didn’t say what you’re expecting so my assumptions might be off but maybe this can get you started if so.

$explode = explode("-", $row['names']);
$final = array();
$n = floor( count( $explode ) / 2 );

$final[] = array_slice( $explode, 0, $n );
$final[] = array_slice( $explode, $n );

foreach( $final as $col ) {
  echo '<div class="stylecol">';
  foreach( $col as $name ) {
    echo "<p>{$name}</p>";
  echo '</div>';

I used array_slice() to cut the array into two pieces. I put those two arrays into a containing array so that we can loop through it and create a div for each piece.

Hi QMonkey,

thanks a lot! I’ll try out the code a bit later.

Hello QMonkey,

your code is working perfectly. Thank you for taking the time to help me out! :tup: