Help needed with trigger

hello please i need help with this trigger, i have a trigger that stops a record in a table from being duplicated. each time i insert a record, it fires and raises an error not minding if the condition in the trigger was true or false.

pls find trigger below

On dbo.Institution_Programme_Courses
for Insert

declare @ProgrammeId	int,
	@CourseId	int,
	@CourseTypeId	int,
	@CourseUnit	int,	
	@SemesterId	int,
	@LevelId	int

select	@ProgrammeId=ProgrammeId,
from	Inserted

if exists(	select	ProgrammeCourseId
			from	dbo.Institution_Programme_Courses
			where	ProgrammeId=@ProgrammeId
			AND		CourseId=@CourseId
			AND		CourseTypeId=@CourseTypeId
			AND		CourseUnit=@CourseUnit	
			AND		SemesterId=@SemesterId
			AND		LevelId=@LevelId	
			RAISERROR ('This Course SetUp Already Exist, Add New Operation Aborted', 16, 1)
			rollback tran


from this trigger, i am trying to prevent the following record below from repeating twice. (i am avoiding duplicate records)


please what am i doing wrong?

for starters, you’re re-inventing the wheel, trying to do with a trigger something that the database can do for you automatically with a [B]unique constraint[/B]


ok, pls how do i go about it using constraints?

did you read the page i linked to?

Yea… still on it, thx