Help parsing json multi array

can any one help me parse the below json

    "success": 1,
    "channel": [
            "id": "11",
            "name": "chan",
            "img": "images",
            "stream_url": "url",
            "stream_url2": "url",
            "stream_url3": "url",
            "cat_id": "1"
            "id": "132",
            "name": "Name",
            "img": "images",
            "stream_url": "mainurl",
            "stream_url2": "stream2",
            "stream_url3": "stream3",
            "cat_id": "1"

im stuck when it comes to multiple arrays. the json returns about 30 arrays

I’m a bit stuck understanding what you’re asking for? If you just want to turn this into an associative array, you probably only need to do

$parsed = json_decode($jsonString, true);

The true flag casts the return value to an array (otherwise, it’d be an object that you get back due to its multi-dimensional structure)

After parsing, you can access the elements like this

$firstChannel = $parsed['channel'][0]; // php arrays are zero-indexed

$streamUrl2FromSecondChannel = $parsed['channel][1]['stream_url2'];

Did that help? The ‘30 arrays’ bit is the thing that’s confusing… :slight_smile:

haha cheers dude i used the following worked it out @ midnight ha

$data = json_decode($jsonBytes);
foreach($data->channel as $category_name => $products) {
   $chaname =  $products->name;
   $chanurl = $products->stream_url3;


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