Help required regarding google search results

There are two types of keyword rankings shown in Google Search Results. One is the organic ranking & the another is local search ranking. Is local search ranking important? Can it be taken into consideration in organic search ranking results? One another important question is-
Is it true that due to google place listing, the local search ranking appears?
Plzz help…

***** Another Very Important query is- Can we count Google Map Ranking in Organic search results

I do not count the listings from Google map(in SERP) while finding rank of a keyword(in manual checking). For Local Citation the listing in Map is important and its from Google Place Submission. Its is important if the business market target is local and even in organic(not as local).

Agree with seobasicinfo. Your organic ranking has nothing to do with local listing rankings. yet it helps in getting traffic if your business target is local market.

Local listing will be helpful if you are providing service, product for a particular place. And yes submitting in google places can help you list in local listings.

local listing is displayed within organic results so it is a part of organic result… but you are classifying it as local listing and organic listing which is not correct.

the correct is

organic listing
and paid listing (which is shown at the right side of Google search).

Paid listings are not only shown on the sidebar… There can be top ads, shopping ads, etc.

Use Google Keyword tool and just filter your results based on location and check the search volume in local and global. That makes the difference

If you mean the google places (now google plus) listings - then you need to have a business address in that area and a citation to fully use it. They have gone through a lot of changes in the past 6 mo for that.

If you do not have a local biz w/address - don’t even worry about it. Googs will rank where they see fit.

Geo details have been a rapidly growing influence for a while, and is now a very important factor for sites that have a strong local connection e.g. sportsclub, shop, restaurant, taxi company.


Yes local search ranking is also important for the local targeted people. Local search ranking result cannot be taken in organic search ranking result because both the ranking shows different rank for the same keyword. It is not only due to Google place listing the local search ranking appears but it is very much helpful for local search ranking. Generally we do not count Google Map Ranking when we check keywords ranking manually in Organic search results.