Help wanted with basic editing for a main navigation bar

I would greatly appreciate if someone could help me with my website. I would like to move my main navigation bar lower right above the content of the website, make it show individual buttons for all my categories as it currently shows one button for all categories.
Optionally i would like some help with a few floating buttons/icons above the right side of the bar for hot tags that i usually use in posts like LOL WIN FAIL etc.

Any advice and help would be really really appreciated!

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							the one used. If none is assigned, the menu with the lowest ID is
							used. */
							wp_nav_menu( array(
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							'depth' => 3,
							'items_wrap' => '<ul class="hot-tags-menu">%3$s</ul>')
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Hi NoBlink. Welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

That code is not much use to us. Could you either post a live link, or make up a template that demostrates the issue? Here’s a guide to such a template (see the rest of the thread for more options):

I’m really sorry about that. I don’t mean to post usless stuff.
This is it!

Cool, it’s good to have a link. Could you clarify what you want to do, though, as I can’t quite work out what the question is. :slight_smile:

I would like to have the navigation bar under the logo; Have my categories spread on the navigation bar and if possible have a few tag buttons/icons floating in the right hand side over the navigation bar.

It’s really nice of you to try and help!

OK, I see. This is more of a WordPress question than a CSS question, as you’ll need to tweak your template(s) to move all those bits and pieces around. I’ve moved the thread to the CMS/WP forum. Good luck with this. :slight_smile: