Help with forms please


I’m trying to update a file from a client but I do not understand some of the code – see below. What is <PCD.ERR.18002>? Is that some backend code? What would happen if I left it out? Also is there a way to center the label "Telephone <br> optional top to bottom next to the input box?


<label>Telephone: <span style="font-size:12px; font-style:italic; line-height:90%;">(optional)</span></label>
										<input name="iOrdBillEmail" type="text" value="" class="txtInput"  maxlength="12"/>
										<label class="error"><PCD.ERR.18002></label></div>

It’s not HTML, that’s for sure.

It’s possibly meant to be a template value. Have you ever seen template code, like with Smarty for example?

Usually the brackets for these values are anything BUT angled brackets < and >, since those are interpreted by browsers as meaning HTML tags. But it seems that since this is part of an error that the label would be speaking about a particular error taken out of the backend.

Normally they’d be something more like {% PCD.ERR.18002 %} or even <@ PCD.ERR.18002 @>, but even with the < and >, they would get interpreted by the template layer before being sent to the browser, meaning the browser should never see the tempate variable, only HTML.

What shows up on the page if you deliberately make an error with the telephone number? You can use your browser’s inspector (like Chrome developer tools or Firebug or IE dev bar) to see the result.

You might need to elaborate there. It’s not clear what you are asking.