Help with jquery tooltip

I have a grid of thumnail images and I want the tooltip to appear over(not above, but rather in place of the image) on rollover. Simmilar to how it works on this site:

I have tried commenting out what I think was the javascript to reposition it, but it doesn’t work. Can someone help me figure this out.

Here is my .js file

$(document).ready(function(e) {
	$('.trigger').mouseover(function() {
		var ttLeft,
			$tip = $($this.attr('data-tooltip')),
			$tip = $($this.attr('title')),
		    triggerPos = $this.offset(),
		    triggerH = $this.outerHeight(),
		    triggerW = $this.outerWidth(),
			tipW = $tip.outerWidth(),
		    tipH = $tip.outerHeight(),
		    screenW = $(window).width(),
			scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
		// if ( - tipH - scrollTop > 0 ) {
		// 	ttTop = - tipH - 10;
		// } else {
		// 	ttTop = + triggerH +10 ;			
		// }
		// var overFlowRight = (triggerPos.left + tipW) - screenW;	
		// if (overFlowRight > 0) {
		// 	ttLeft = triggerPos.left - overFlowRight - 10;	
		// } else {
		// 	ttLeft = triggerPos.left;	
		// }
			left : ttLeft ,
			top : ttTop,
			position: 'absolute'
	}); // end mouseover
	$('.trigger').mouseout(function () {

	}); // end mouseout
}); // end ready

here is my html for that section

<div class='video_box'>

     <div class='trigger' title='#tip2'>
		<a href='videos.php?vid_id=2'>
		        <img src='video_thumbs/avengers.png'>
     </div> <!-- close trigger -->

     <div class='tooltip' id='tip2'>
	   <p>Trailer for the new Avengers Movie</p>
	   <p><span>65 % Green Light</span></p>
      </div> <!-- close tool tip -->

</div> <!-- close video box -->

here is my css

.trigger {
	cursor : help;
	border-bottom: 1px dashed white;	
.trigger:hover {
	color: rgb(255,0,0);

.tooltip {
	width: 187px;
	height: 120px;
	padding: 0px;
	background-color: white;
	/*border: 3px solid rgb(195,151,51);
	border-radius : 5px;*/	

.tooltip h2 {
.tooltip p {
	color: black !important;	

.tooltip span {
	color: green;	

.main {
width: 800px;	

Hi there,

This is a nice a simple thing to do, not too much JavaScript required at all :slight_smile:

First let’s take your markup and improve it a tiny bit.

<div class="video_box">
    <a href="videos.php?vid_id=2" class="trigger">
        <img src="">
    <div class="tooltip">
        <p>Trailer for the new Avengers Movie</p>
        <p><span>65 % Green Light</span></p>
    </div> <!-- close tool tip -->

</div> <!-- close video box -->

I removed the extra “trigger” div, we don’t really need it, and removed the ID reference to the tooltip.

Now, on to the JavaScript, currently, a lot of that is there to deal with positioning, so we don’t really need it as that will be taken care of in the CSS

     // The .on() method requires jQuery 1.7+
    $(".video_box").on("mouseenter mouseleave", function(e){

        if (e.type === "mouseenter") {
            //show tooltip

            //we use .stop() here so that rapid hovering doesn't keep queueing the animations.
            //we also use .fadeTo() here rather than fadeIn / fadeOut as these tend to break with
            //rapid hovering and .stop()

            $(".tooltip", this).stop().fadeTo(200,1).addClass("hover");

        else if (e.type === "mouseleave") {

            //hide tooltip
            $(".tooltip", this).stop().fadeTo(200,0).removeClass("hover");


And finally the CSS :slight_smile:

/* need to make sure the parent is relatively positioned */
.video_box {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;
    border-bottom: 1px dashed white;

/* If you just want to show this, we can do it with CSS, however
  if a hover effect is desired, we can do that with JavaScript 
.video_box:hover .tooltip, .video_box.hover .tooltip {
    display: block;

.trigger {
    display: block;

.tooltip {
    width: 250px;
    height: 150px;
    padding: 0px;
    position: absolute;
    background-color: white;
    display: none; /* You could do this with JS as well */

.tooltip h2 {
    font-size: 18px;
    margin:5px 0;

.tooltip p {
    color: #000;
    margin:5px 0;

.tooltip span {
    color: #008000;    

Hopefully this helped you on your way. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks!!! That got it working perfect.