Help with perl script error: Use of uninitialized value $bugid in concatenation (.) o

Hi Experts,

I am relatively new to Perl. I am working on the script below and when I run it, I get these messages:

Use of uninitialized value $titlesrow in print at line 37.
Use of uninitialized value $bugid in concatenation (.) or string at li
ne 38.
Use of uninitialized value $ci in concatenation (.) or string at line
Use of uninitialized value $ip in concatenation (.) or string at line


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;

Initializing variables

my ($worksheet, $row, $col, $cell, $bugid, $ci, $ip, $titlesrow, $cell1, $cell2);

Manual workbook name and sheet name

my $FILE = “Book1l.xls”;
my $SHEETNAME = “Sheet1”;

the column that contains searchable key

my $KEY_COLUMN = 3;

my $searchstring = $ARGV[0];

my $excel = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook->Parse($FILE);
my $sheet = $excel->Worksheet($SHEETNAME);

Sheet limits established

my ( $row_min, $row_max ) = $sheet->row_range();
my ( $col_min, $col_max ) = $sheet->col_range();

In this section, the row that contains the titles is searched, and then the column numbers for the required variables are identified

for my $row ( $row_min … $row_max ) {
for my $col ( $col_min … $col_max ) {
my $cell = $sheet->get_cell( $row, $col );
if ($cell->value()=~/Bug ID/i){$bugid=$col; $titlesrow=$row};
if ($cell->value()=~/Customer Impact/i) {$ci=$col};
if ($cell->value()=~/Impact Probability/i) {$ip=$col};

Start printing interesting information

for my $row ($titlesrow … $row_max) {
my $cell = $sheet->get_cell( $row, $bugid );
print $cell->value();
my $cell = $sheet->get_cell( $row, $ci );
print $cell->value();
my $cell = $sheet->get_cell( $row, $ip );
print $cell->value();


# Initializong variables
my ($worksheet, $row, $col, $cell, $bugid, $ci, $ip, $titlesrow, $cell1, $cell2);

This makes a bunch of scalar vars, but they don’t equal anything. They’re undef.

So if you try to use . (which is for strings) then you get warned that you’re trying to concatenate something with undef which isnt a string.

You could make all your variables = ‘’ (empty string) when you initialise them. This is considered good practice anyway.

Or you could ignore it. You are seeing the error because of the -w in your first line (“use warnings”), which is good to have on when you’re writing but something you’ll take off when this is production code (clients should never see warnings or errors, only you).