Help with site on mobile phone


please view my site on your mobile phone and tell me how to move that one box up. It’s messing up everything. I have tried quite a few things nothing is working. Also, please tell me what phone you have and the screen size. I’d greatly appreciate it.


here is the link, sorry to use a short link…

(1) Please identify which box you are talking about, (2) describe how it is causing a problem and (3) describe how you want it to work.

The header image up top the optin part of the box. here is a screen shot. That box should be up top.

The box is dropping ( it’s also happening with the column of content bellow) because the container is SMALLER than the sum of its width and the width of the previous element is less than the width of the container.

a quick fix could be to add min-width to the page container.

Everything has to go somewhere. Are you saying that the head image with the veggies should drop below the “features” box? The drop occurs at 1000px. As the viewport narrows to less than 1000px what should the page look like? The page would look very awkward whichever image drops. What do you want the content to do as the page narrows?

This page has a significant number of problems. It triggers a horizontal scroll bar at 1560px. That’s far from “mobile”. That’s just for starters. There are plenty of problems to work on.


@dresden_phoenix’s post is funny. It didn’t occur to me that maybe this is supposed to be a fixed width page (1000px). :blush: Even if fixed width, though, there are other problems that beg attention. Let us know.


Thank you Dresden that worked!