Help with the YouTube API

Hello, i’m trying to create a dashboard using the YouTube API auth with login and using it for analytics as well. I would really appreciate some help with it. I’m not an expert with PHP, but I do know my stuff. I’m not good with OOP, but regular PHP use i’m pretty good with. I’ve been trying to figure it out, but I can’t. the YouTube API is hard for me to learn and would love to appreciate it. I want to display their YouTube data with subscriber, comments, earnings, and likes analytics. Using charts as well. I would definitely appreciate help.

So… narrow it down. Pick a single function call of the API, and figure out how to implement it. You sound like you’re trying to do too much at once and it’s overwhelming you.

I was giving the gist of what all I wanted to do. First I should do the login, but again I don’t know how, then i’ll do the analytics when I get the login working.

So, 30 seconds of googling later…

Contains a (presumably working) example of logging in.

I’ve tried this, I don’t know what to do. I’m terrible with all of this. Don’t know really how to get it working. Get them logged in, enter there info into my database, make it so if they’re not logged in they can’t access the dashboard, etc. Also, that doesn’t show authentication examples…

It certainly does show an authentication example, because the YouTube API’s are authentication based.

But it sounds like you’re having problems before you even get close to touching the YouTube API’s. Sounds like you’re having problems with your own database and code first.

So show us your code that you’ve attempted.

I haven’t attempted anything. I’ve tried in the past and couldn’t get it. I’ve always used the examples really. I don’t know how I would connect the API and my own database. I’m good with user logins, database functions, etc, but when you add the API with it, I don’t know where to start or what to do.

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