Hide then onclick Show Table Rows

I have the following code which I got from user FauxPas and it works great. But I need one that hides by default and then toggles to SHOW the rows. Does anyone know how to alter this? I have tried just about everything and simply swapping the values doesn’t work, setting a default style doesn’t work either. FYI… this will be used in a recordset.

function toggle() {
 if( document.getElementById("hidethis").style.display=='none' ){
   document.getElementById("hidethis").style.display = '';
   document.getElementById("hidethis").style.display = 'none';

<span onClick="toggle();">toggle</span><br /><br />

<table border="1">
<td>Always visible</td>
<tr id="hidethis">
<td>Hide this</td>
<td>Always visible</td>


You need a small change to your JS:

function toggle() {
 if( document.getElementById("hidethis").style.display=='none' ){
   document.getElementById("hidethis").style.display = 'table-row'; // set to table-row instead of an empty string
   document.getElementById("hidethis").style.display = 'none';

and amend your html slightly:

<tr id="hidethis" style="display:none;">
<td>Hide this</td>

Jeez… I knew it was simple. THANK YOU!!!