How can I achieve a grid of portfolio entries in Wordpress?

I’m converting my site to Wordpress, and the area giving me the most trouble is the portfolio section.

This is the non-wordpress version, where each project has a folder of its own containing an images folder and a php file for the title, client, and description. Using PHP, the portfolio page creates thumbnails for each one of these project folders. Click on a thumbnail, and it creates a page for the portfolio entry by displaying the information and the content of the images folder in a slideshow. It opens that page in a fancybox window.

I need to know the best way to achieve this exact effect in Wordpress, but with each one of these portfolio entries being a fully-functioning, searchable post.

If this isn’t possible, I’ll just continue with the PHP scripts I’m using right now. But that would be kind of counter-intuitive, since I’d have to do work outside of wordpress with directories and files just to update my portfolio.


Its doable in wordpress. Here is something that I think would work:

  • create a category called projects or something u find nice
  • create a post for each project on the portfolio. make sure to assign projects category for them.
  • create image gallery for each of these projects and assign them to the project. there are some nice plugins for this.
  • now to display the project list on the portfolio page create a PHP code widget. Loop through each post for the project category. Here you should be able to control how to display them.

My biggest problem is figuring out how to get the images from the post to display in a slideshow

Get Post Id And then get images or media using bellow code.
$args = array(
‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’,
‘numberposts’ => null,
‘post_status’ => null,
‘post_parent’ => $post->ID
$attachments = get_posts($args);

Thanks Here’s where I am now. I changed index.php so the loop would be different for posts in the Portfolio category. I also excluded the Portfolio category from the Blog page and Category list.

Now I’m pretty much stuck; I can’t figure out how to give a custom template to the posts so when they’re opened in Fancybox it doesn’t just bring up another copy of the site.