How can I get high PR in my domain

How can I get high Page Rank in my domain

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PageRank is calculated per page, not per domain, so it’s quite possible to have different pages on the same site with different PageRank.

PageRank is based largely on the number and quality of incoming links to your page, and you’ll find plenty of threads here discussing it, if you care to look. However, Google themselves have said that they are giving less and less weigh to PageRank in ranking a site, as it’s too easy to try to manipulate it, so I’d advise you to put your energies into something more productive than chasing PR.

See also How to Increase Pagerank of my website?

Google hasn’t updated hte page rank in FOREVER. Heck, even these community forums have 0 page rank. Google has basically abandoned it. Don’t bother.

They haven’t reported the single digit number they used to extract from the PR. That doesn’t mean that they have stopped updating the actual PR figures (which they have never published).


Getting high page ranking to your website is easier and can be done in few months. PR depends upon many things and based on the content, Backlinks, Design these are few things by which PR can be improved.

[quote=“xzealgs, post:6, topic:115644”]
Getting high page ranking to your website is easier and can be done in few months.
[/quote]If that were the case, then high PR pages would be the norm, and we wouldn’t keep getting questions from folk wondering how to find high PR pages to get backlinks. (And as I said before, PR is calculated per page, not for an entire site.)

PageRank depends on backlinks:

PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites

See and for more information.