How can I overtake categorized data for doing operations

Below table is my favorite result (please click on image to enlarge it) :

I have problem with calculation of weightPercent column :
In above table (20) is calculated as described below :
(200/(200+300)) * (100/200) * 100 = 20
So query should be something like :

SELECT   projectID
              ,((orderAmount/([B][COLOR="Red"]?[/COLOR][/B])) * (delivered/orderAmount) * 100) AS weightPercent
Group By projectName;

I dont know how should I interact with ([B][COLOR="Red"]?[/COLOR][/B]) mark in above query ? I need to calculate that summation for every project separately . [COLOR="Blue"]P.S :[/COLOR] Above query is a abridgement of one complicated query . I tested [U]SUM(DISTINCT *)[/U] but I got many problems with it , so Im looking for any other solution ;Is there any other trick for it ?

what are those numbers? where do they come from?

I have placed one screenshot that shows the final result; those numbers are description of how (20) is obtained from first row of that table.That is just one example to show how table should work to calculate “weightPercent”.

(200—>from orderAmount/(200+300)—>from orderAmount) * (100---->from delivered/200---->from orderAmount) * 100 = 20

SELECT daTable.projectID
     , daTable.projectName
     , daTable.orderAmount
     , daTable.delivered
     , daTable.delivered * 100.0 /
          subtotals.project_amount AS weightPercent
  FROM ( SELECT projectName
              , SUM(orderAmount) AS project_amount
           FROM daTable
             BY projectName ) AS subtotals
  JOIN daTable
    ON daTable.projectName = subtotals.projectName

Interesting solution :slight_smile: , TNX