How can I setup dynamic pages on my blog site?


I have created an account on, after setting several tabs which will provide each topic individually; I noticed the stand-alone pages all are static and NOT dynamic as the main page,

I want it to appear more appropriate like a website. I have done lot of search on Internet about this but I still can’t solve this problem:

Simply I wanted to create more categories and for each one I need a dynamic page, not only on the main page. I knew I can create another 10 pages but these pages all are static NOT dynamic.

Maybe have some sort of custom templates to insert HTML or CSS or whatever scripts to modify the properties of each page, but I can’t figure out how they do it. I will appreciate if any feedback related to solve this issue with lot of thanks in advance,

Hi momtaz. Welcome to SitePoint. :slight_smile:

I’m not familiar with blogspot, but why not just get your own domain and create a website of your own? That way you can make it do whatever you like. If you need a blogging solution, get WordPress. :slight_smile:

I would define the site layout in your index.html file, and then use JavaScript and Ajax to load the actual content into a content div on the page. That way your content files (fetched by Ajax) will be more or less plain HTML, with CSS classes defined in index.html. Also, I wouldn’t recommend building a blog in pure HTML and JavaScript. It wouldn’t be very interactive; no comments, ratings, etc. You could store your blog content in XML and then fetch and display it with Ajax and JavaScript, however.

While on the subject of XML, you could implement all your site content in XML. You should also store the list of pages (for generating navigation) as XML.

hi donaldsmith

I got the solution already by: creating labels, then insert javascript code into the page content of each stand-alone page then insert the ULR of each label into the javascript to locate the window, or by creating labels in the page header using gadgets,
I appreciate your advises anyway,
Many thanks