How do i make social icons on header float left


i have this design here:

when you press the opening panel in the header there is social icons near the text how do i cause it
float to left so it will look even like the text in the right



Hello. I’m a bit confused. I go to that site and I see no social icons. In fact, that site looks hardly anything like your screenshot. Are you surey ou gave us the correct link?

Seems like this will be a relatively easy fix, so no worries :).


You just need to float .one-third to the left and .two-third to the right. However you will need to remove those mismatched and erroneous p tags that are messing everything up.

<div class="topcontent">
		<div class="one_third">
				<p>© Copyright 2012 Your Company | <a href="#">RSS</a> | <a href="#">Email</a></p>
			[B]	<p>[/B]
		<div class="two_third column-last">
				<p style="text-align: right;"><a href="#"><img src="" style="display:inline"></a><a href="#"><img src="" style="display:inline"></a><a href="#"><img src="" style="display:inline"></a><a href="#"><img src="" style="display:inline"></a><a href="#"><img src="" style="display:inline"></a><a href="#"><img src="" style="display:inline"></a><a href="#"><img src="" style="display:inline"></a></p>
		<div class="clear"></div>

Not keen on those class names or is this another of those impossible to fathom grid layouts that layer complexity on top of something relatively simple?