How do I make table 1 join with table 3 that does not have same value

Hi guys,

I have three tables like below:

table 1		table 2		table 3
a			a			b
a			b			d
a			c			f

I can join table 1 and 2 but I want to join table 3 via table 2 as well.
If this possible and how to do that?
The database is MySQL.

Thank you,

What happened when you tried?

As long as the tables contain columns with compatible datatypes, and the data contained within those columns match, you can join any table in any happy happy joy joy combination you like. The question you need to ask is do the joins make sense, or is perhaps the data structure not what it should be?

Thanks for reply.
The result is null. I can’t get what I want.

I’m afraid we’ll need more information if you want us to help.

  1. Table structures
  2. sample data
  3. the query as you tried it.

yes, it’s possible – using LEFT OUTER JOINs

Thanks @r937

It works. LEFT JOIN works as well. Strange!

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