How do i remove

hi all,
i am using wordpress to build my site. now i have post made but under the post title it has fields like ‘field under as’,‘written by’ ‘published date’. i want that removed. how can i?

If the theme you’re using doesn’t allow you to disable that info from the admin panels, you’ll have to edit the theme’s template files.

But in general, where can i find those option to disable?

go to wp admin panel and then go to appearance page and then select editor and then select newpost.php and edit this

nofel, I recently had the same issue here is how I resolved it in my themes “post.php” file I added the "xxx" inline to disable the php writing the posted by , date etc. here is a copy of the line of code where I did this <p><?php /* _e(‘Posted by ‘); ?><?php the_author(); ?><?php _e(’ under ‘); ?><?php the_category(’, ‘); ?><?php edit_post_link(’ (edit this)’);*/ ?>
Every theme is different but if you can find this line in your post.php file just add the bolded /* and */ as shown and it should resolve your problem. I assume you know how to go into your admin panel /appearance editor and find the "post.php file on the right hand side. Good Luck.