How do i show and hide my menu like this?

I want to be able to show and hide my menu like on this site:

Anyone know how to do this?

thanks in rewards.

simple animate() on the width of the menu div and use CSS3 rotate to turn the box.

Not tested but should give you a starting block.

//menu btn is the trigger
$("#menu_btn").click(function() {
        $('.menu_div').animate({width: 'toggle'}, 500,
            function() {
                // Animation complete.

Thanks that got me started=) But atm it looks like this, check out the fiddle:

It animates the wrong way and as u can see the menu items “drop down under each other” at the end of the animation. And the trigger stays rotated and doesnt rotate back.

I would be very grateful if you or someone else could fix this for me as im a total noob to javascript.

thanks in advance

added overflow: hidden and some height to the parent div so now it looks like this:

But still animating to the left and i the trigger is not rotating more then the first time its clicked.

I have updated your fiddle… :slight_smile:


I float the ul li left now and now i got some issue with the menu jumping like 30px to the right before the animation, u know why?

Now i think i got pretty much what i want … except that i want to have the trigger on the other side, and to the animation to animate the other way, how do i do that?


Thanks now its working as i want it to!

Now on the other hand i would like to customize a bit more, i want the menu to “collapse” into the trigger on a certain page width (767px) , so that on 767px and under it only shows the menu when clicked.