How Do I Split Revenues with My Bloggers on Wordpress?

I have a site where i’m inviting bloggers to write articles for content on the site. Haven’t quite started yet, but have a few interested parties. I guess the way that i’m trying to entice these bloggers to my site, is by compensating them in some way. Figured that if i could split adsense revenues on the pages that they create, they could be more interested in writing content for me. My site is built in wordpress. Anyone know of a good solution for a plugin or any other type of software in which i can easily share ad revenues with my content providers?

There are a couple of Wordpress plugins that let you setup revenue share with your authors. I haven’t tried it but there is one available here:

Hope that helps.

I am not an expert here, but i have adsense and analytics on my site. Since they are integrated I can tell in the last (time period), (article title) pulled in $xx. So you can maybe do something like that?