How do I target Revolution Slider from Jquery block?

I’m trying to figure out how to control the revolution slider from my Jquery. For some reason everything I try causes the whole shebang not to function (404 error). I must be mangling the syntax or something. The Rev Slider API has functions to play, pause and redraw the slider. This is what I need access to so that I can pause it and restart it when it comes into the browser window.

Here is my entire document ready block.


// button actions - story page
	$("html,body").animate({scrollTop: $("#escoff-story-row-2").offset().top -=60}, 500);


Can somebody help me to understand why the above code block works and yet when I try below, it throw a 404 error?


// function to fire once the slider has fully loaded
revapi2.bind('revolution.slide.onloaded', function() {
	// some code to redraw the slider

// button actions - story page
	$("html,body").animate({scrollTop: $("#escoff-story-row-2").offset().top -=60}, 500);


I just need to understand how to target my rev slider from the Jquery block without causing the error.
