How do I use Jquery to refresh A div from within the already refreshed DIV?

Here is my code… for the most part

<script type=“text/javascript”>
$(function() {
$(‘#blogform’).ajaxForm( {
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
return false;
$(function() {
$(“#refresh”).click(function() {
cache: false,
return false;

[form that posts and then refreshes the div]
[refresh div link]
<div id=“ReloadThis” style=‘width:715px;overflow:hidden;’>
blah blah blah

those 3 links submits something that changes the content of the div, I want them to submit in the background and then the div refresh just like it does by submiting the form or clicking the refresh div link. I’ve tried everything I can think of, but the div content does not recognize the javascript so idk…

Use the live event instead, so that jQuery knows that it has to continue to monitor those areas when it updates the content.

Thank you so much, that works.
Now i have this

<a href=“blah.php?something=asdf&somethingelse=2” id=“refresh”>Link</a>

it does the refresh when I click it, but it does not submit the link in the background… and although I know for the most part why… I’m coming up with a blank in my mind, I know PHP in and out, and was learning “older” JS awhile back… but I have not even started to get the hang of jquery :\

How is the link supposed to be submitted in the background, and do you have a test page so that we can see what’s happening in a better context?