How Do You Keep Up?

This has been a constant thought in my head for a very long time. Most people I spoke to said they use a combination of a feeds (RSS feeds, twitter streams, reddit and hackernews) and a queueing app (like pocket, instapaper or whatever). Through the day keep hitting mark as read on all the noise. Queue all the important stuff for reading that night.

Mark all as read anything you didn’t get to read within that day.

There’s only about 20% good stuff that you need to really look at. The test for that comes from how often it has been mentioned. Like when react came out, I was like “Oh great! Another framework”. Then, a lot of good developers I respect started recommending it and I had to check it out.

Even taking just the sitepoint blog into account, there’s just way too much information to take in within a day. There are a few newsletters that are interesting - one that sends you only one link a day. Or all the top frameworks this week etc. But they all have an inherent problem of categorization. Top 10 of what? All web dev? Then things I care about don’t make it to the top. Just Sass? Then it’s too much of sass stuff.

Would love for a curated list of top posts by statistics for each section and go through that on a weekly basis. But I guess you guys must already be doing that?