How Do You Make Your Living Online?

I kinda started posting random things on my website and as I got more content, I got a decent amount of visitors. I don’t make a living, but the site pays for itself (AdSense).

I own six e commerce websites and also make money writing for places that need and will pay for a real writer. I won’t even think about writing something unless I get at least $100, though, so I’m not cheap and I sometimes get as much as $200 for articles that I write. A $200 article generally takes me all day to research and write.

I now make more than twice what I did in the “real world” where I used to be the Sales and Marketing Director of several car rental companies.

my full time passing my on online- surfing, facebook, social networking sites for promoting my site, because i m seo.

I think this thread has run its course. Thread closed.