How do you save to the same local storage from different HTML pages?

My local storage file is called localStorageAbout.js. I can save a text field to local storage and retrieve it on the same index.html page. But when I create a new HTML page and link to localStorageAbout.js correctly in the head, it won’t save or load the values. Is there any particular practice to save to the same local storage JS file from different pages? This will be used in the iPhone. My setup:

The home page has data form name=“form2”.

On localStorageAbout.js (for saving text field name=“aboutSetupOne”):

            function persistData()
                        var aboutSetupOne = document.form2["aboutSetupOne"].value;
                        var storageIndex = "local.storage2.aboutSetupOne";
                        localStorage[storageIndex] = aboutSetupOne;

On localStorageAbout.js, for populating text fields from local storage. (Extra code is to prevent “undefined” from appearing in field if user taps on Repopulate button before entering any data, and to style all entries when they’ll be outputted to a single large textfield of name=“setupSummaries”.)

			function loadData()
				setupSummariesString += "--SUMMARIES--\
Setup 1 Summary: ";
				if (localStorage["local.storage2.aboutSetupOne"] == undefined)
					document.form2["aboutSetupOne"].value == '';
					document.form2["aboutSetupOne"].value = localStorage["local.storage2.aboutSetupOne"];
					setupSummariesString += localStorage["local.storage2.aboutSetupOne"];
					showSummary = true;

On my other HTML page, the form name=“formSettings”, for text field name=“formSettingsA”.

On localStorageAbout.js, function persistData():

                       var formSettingsA = document.formSettings["formSettingsA"].value;
                        var storageIndex = "local.storage2.formSettingsA";
                        localStorage[storageIndex] = formSettingsA;

On localStorageAbout.js, function loadData():

				setupSummariesString += "\
Testing other page: ";
				if (localStorage["local.storage2.formSettingsA"] == undefined)
					document.formSettings["formSettingsA"].value == '';
					document.formSettings["formSettingsA"].value = localStorage["local.storage2.formSettingsA"];
					setupSummariesString += localStorage["local.storage2.formSettingsA"];
					showSummary = true;

Am I supposed to make any other distinctions to make the two pages work together in the same local storage? (I got the base code from this page: ) All the local storage searches I’ve seen deal with local storage on one page.