How i can allign the socail media buttons?

hi friends
i need your help!
i ve placed a digg digg manual buttons for posts… but those are not aligning !
kindly help me, i am also attaching the screenshots for understanding

30 Extremely Majestic Waterfall Photographs Around The World

this is a code of buttons

<?php dd_digg_generate(‘Compact’) ?> <?php dd_tweetmeme_generate(‘Compact’,‘smashinghub’) ?> <?php dd_fbshareme_generate(‘Compact’) ?> <?php dd_stumbleupon_generate(‘Compact’) ?> <?php dd_gbuzz_generate(‘Compact’) ?>

kindly help me, how i can align this!

The elements are being called in via iframes so you will need to position the iframe to align them as you will have no control on the actual content in the iframe.

As you have no hooks to use you could try this but it will affect all iframes.


Otherwise you would need to wrap that section in a classed div and apply the rule above using the parents class.

sorry i am not expert, can u give me step by step code to this

Well the first thing to try is just to open up your css file and then add the rule I gave you above and save it.


Try that first and if it doesn’t fix the problem or causes other problems then we’ll try something else.

yeah great. its done

another thing

25 Best Examples of illustration in Web Design
25 Epic Examples of Digital Paintings Art - StumbleUpon

why my thumbnail never appeared on dzone and stumble, whats wrong with it too

Sorry, I don’t know anything about dzone and stumble and I don’t really lnow what I’m looking for in those links above. I guess if you have accounts there then ypu would need a thumbnail in your profile but I’m not sure that’s what you are asking or if it’s even relevant.

Id it’s not a direct css question then the topic should be moved to web design or somewhere more specific.

thanks :slight_smile: let me create a new post on web design section

hi sir
i did this code, but still it is not on align can you check it again

at plz check here ,
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You’ve added extra items that are not iframes so they are not affected by the fix I gave. You have floated some elements instead also.

Try this

.fb_share_count_wrapper, .buzz-counter {
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: bottom;
  float: none;

how i can add , background on particular all these social buttons
kindly guide me