How I can automatically close the alert box as soon as it appears


Hi friends…
I have an alert message just like above
I want to close it automatically as soon as it appears.
It means I don’t want to show this alert message to client.
Can anyone tell how i can do it???
Please help me…
Thanks in advance…

With the default browser alert box you can’t as its a function, you would need to create a custom alert box in order to do this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I need it ,too . :frowning:

So write your own code to display the message instead of using alert(). You shouldn’t be using alert() in live JavaScript code anyway as it is intended as a debugging tool. Some browsers include a checkbox for turning JavaScript off for that web page in every alert displayed. Do you really want your visitors turning off your script part way through processing?

I suspect that he’s wanting to cause the taskbar icon to flash when the window is not active.

Yes paul…
You are right i use alert for only flash taskbar but i don’t want to show it to user.
Can it automatically close it???
