How Many Friends Can We Add To Facebook A Day Without Getting Banned

I would like to add about 500 friends to my new facebook profile
will that cause a red flag & get me banned.

I would think so. Why don’t you spread it out more? I’d say 50 or less a day.

Do you know all these people? Because I would also assume you’d get banned if most of the people ignore your request.


Not sure about the maximum invitations allowed. But if you add too many people in a day, you can get banned from Facebook.

wel try to add less then 50 but once urs profile run u can add 150 plz

I think less than 50 already

Add 20 each day to be on a safer side. It will take you a few days, but ion this way you cannot get banned.

You invite 50 invitation in a one day… other wise you have problem.

well,I’m planning to join facebook and got a new info on how not to be banned…that’s a nice tip…:wink:

if you add it at same time will be banned. only 100 per day.

Are these people you actually know? If not you might look like a spammer, and you will risk being reported for abusing the service.

Why don’t you just invite your site visitors to make friends with you, instead? It might take longer to gather a large number of friends, but at least you know the people you’re friends with are actually interested in what you have to say. Also, that doesn’t smell like spam.

right raena…i agree with you…you also can invite by accessing your mail account…

I am agree here.
The best way to make new friends on Facebook is posting some interesting content on Facebook Groups where you can post knowledge base articles and information, this way more people find you and can contact themselves.

I have done this before, I would strongly suggest you add friends 25 a day. That would keep you safe from being banned or flag.

lessthan 50