How much should I charge for copywriting service?

In fact, most professional proof-readers do charge by the word (or, occasionally, by the page), rather than by the hour.

But note that proof-reading is not necessarily the same as copy-editing, where it is sometimes more common to charge by the hour.

The above is based on my experience in the UK and USA. It might possibly be different in some other countries.


And that writer might actually earn more by working serving the beer and sandwiches.


If you are able to persuade people to purchase things with the way you put words together, you can make good money. Copywriting is one of the strongest industries coming out of the Internet. Be it online or offline, you can make good money selling copywriting services and enjoying it at the same time. However, it is important that you are able to sell your own services. Here are what you can do and what to expect from it.


As for how much to charge… what are you worth? Only you (and the market) can answer that.

I have to agree with this.

It is not always base on your location. If you were from a far country from USA and your serving a good and high quality write ups for your client in that state, you should also be compensated at the rate base on their country. Moreover, if you are way too good to be true writer you can also earn more than what that state has to offer to you (of course that would take time, if you’re just starting to have this job today).

This price is non-conformity! I always ask writer paid for me at least $15 for each article which will be published on my site. So I think writers will be paid more than $15 from their customers.

Thanks everyone

This thread was started so long ago that I’m sure the OP has come to a conclusion by now

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