How often do you answer your own question while writing a post to ask a question?

I don’t know why but it seems like nearly every time I go to start asking a question on how to accomplish some particular task I end up discovering the answer when I actually write the problem that I am trying to solve. I don’t know why this happens to me so much. It seems as soon as I leave my editor and write the problem at hand out logically, the problem becomes that much clearer to me. Also on a side note is there some term for this? Anyways just some random thought and was wondering if this happens often you guys as well.

I don’t think that is a common phenomenon, at least I have never heard of it. And you should be happy that you are able to solve your own queries all by yourself.

This happens to me all the freaking time, and I bet if I searched my own posts here I could find at least a dozen examples. But it’s not only when I’m typing the post out - it’s also immediately after typing it. I’ll make a post here, then go on fiddling with the problem, and voila! I figure it out.

I find it very annoying, because sometimes I’ve been at the problem for a week, and sometimes just a few hours, but regardless, until I post a question here, I’ll NEVER EVER solve it.

EDIT: Figured it out! :stuck_out_tongue:

I so feel your pain about it not mattering for the time frame of the problem. It is just so freaking annoying to type everything out and then get that “ah-ha” moment and be like what if I do this and then bamo. Sometimes I don’t make the post because the problem is solved and sometimes I post it anyways just to get some feedback.
LOL@the figured it out :)… exactly what made me want to make this post. I was trying to get a SELECT query to work out for me then started writing the post in the typical manner: want I was trying to do, what I’ve tried, what I was getting, then I was like omg, I’m just doing it wrong here.

Same with me. I attribute this to two things. One simply formulating the question in your mind as you write it out helps you compartmentalize the question and therefore brings to light it’s answer. Two once you post it, now it’s not just yours anymore. Which gives you more enthusiasm to solve it.

Basically, when you post on a forum, you end up stripping out a lot of nonessential code to make the problem easier to look at. And in the process, you break the problem down into a small piece. That small piece is easier to fix/solve than a big whopping code base.

Eventually, you’ll get to the point where you do that so many times that you don’t even need a forum to force you to strip things down and get to the core issue.

This is one of the good attitude, but at the same some of them take it as wrong that you ask the question and you answer by yourself, then what is the need of arising the question

When you start to explain a problem to someone else you stop looking at it the way you were when you were trying to find a solution and start looking at it in terms of how to explain the problem to someone else. This change of viewpoint will often provide you with at least a clue that will lead to your being able to solve the problem yourself. That’s why it can be worthwhile to try to explain a problem you are having to someone who has no idea what you are talking about - just trying to figure out a way to explain blue to a blind man will allow you to solve the problem - the person you are explaining it to may still have no clue what you are talking about but they helped solve the problem by listening while you changed your viewpoint toward the problem.

When I like someone’s answer I quote him or her and express my opinion on it. Otherwise I just read the various answers posted for my question. This is how I think I should go about questioning on forums.

[FONT=verdana]I’ve been seeing this for many years - long before we had forums to post our questions in. As a programmer, I know that just explaining a technical problem to a colleague will often help you clarify your thoughts and home in on the true nature of the issue. I can’t count the number of times I’ve asked someone for help, and by the time I’ve finished stating the problem, the solution has become obvious.
