How to add Amazon deals & offers fast?

Hi, Everybody.

We make site now about coupon code:

This site list the latest store deals & code every day.

but we meet some problem when customers and stuff adding codes.
They find some amazon coupon by searching. but our site doesn’t list.

We also find the amzon does not offer those mass deals . Only what to do is adding one by one.
So crazy

Does any good suggestion or solutions give us ?

Or we just need to develop by amzaon API ?

And it seem that wordpress plugin can be find the link.

Thank You.

I developed many automated import for different affiliate networks. Of course I tried to make one for Amazon but couldn’t. I spoke to them and they said they don’t have any kind of rss feed of feed with coupons and deals.
Now I guess using their API you could import the links form them ( guess cause I did not checked their API ). However these would only be normal links not coupons and deals.
Let me know if you find a solution for this.