How to add this code to this code?

Hello cpradio & tom8,

I do appreciate your replies and help,

here are both php pages in a zip,

your help appreciated :slight_smile:

hmm… I can’t open it. Seems the rar maybe corrupt?

Hmmm, just downloaded the zip, and it opened fine … hmmm

yes downloaded twice now, unzipped with 7-zip & WINRAR

all ok :slight_smile: hmmm

Okay, I got it. I run Linux as my primary OS and unrar wouldn’t read the rar file, so I booted up a Windows VM to get it. I’ve looked through the two files and the definition of $item_details aren’t in either of these. Are there more files to this site? My guess is it won’t be in a template file, it will be in a main file (maybe a class) file.

Hello cpradio, many, many, many php files …lol

I have no idea, you will need to point me in the right direction :slight_smile:

You can always packaged them all up (if you don’t mind doing so). I really couldn’t tell you which files would likely have what I need to help you solve this problem.

Hi cpradio, I will package and zip all the php files tomorrow, need to sleep now…lol


Lets try this:

create a script (test.php) with this:

   if ( !defined('INCLUDED') ) { die("Access Denied"); }

Put it in the same folder as auction_details.tpl.php; run the script and let us know what you got. Thanks.

Hello tom8,

ok I followed your instructions,

test.php created, uploaded to folder with auction_details, reloaded the auction_details page, yet no information to be seen,

my little knowledge is dangerous … lol


I don’t see it. It returns File Not Found error.

I expect to see Access Denied or the contents in INCLUDED and auction_print_header.

It’s getting late here so I will check again in the morning.

Meanwhile, hope cpradio or PHP gurus here find your answer.

Hi tom8, ok you will see Access Denied now,

First I uploaded the test.php to the folder with the auction_details.tpl.php -

Now I uploaded it to


Ok, I now see why. I ask for the file auction_details.php and the file you shown us was auction_details.tpl.php. Probably not the same. Can’t you post the correct one - auction_details.php?

Hello tom8, ok yes I also had the same thought!

## auction_details.php										##
## Copyright 2012 - All rights reserved.                	##


define ('IN_SITE', 1);
define ('AUCTION_DETAILS', 1);

include_once ('includes/global.php');
include_once ('includes/class_formchecker.php');
include_once ('includes/class_custom_field.php');
include_once ('includes/class_user.php');
include_once ('includes/class_fees.php');
include_once ('includes/class_item.php');
include_once ('includes/functions_item.php');
include_once ('includes/class_messaging.php');
include_once ('includes/class_reputation.php');

require ('global_header.php');

(array) $user_details = null;

$start_time_id = 1;
$end_time_id = 2;

$item = new item();
$item->setts = &$setts;
$item->layout = &$layout;

$reputation = new reputation();
$reputation->setts = &$setts;

$page_handle = 'auction';

$addl_query = ($session->value('adminarea')!="Active") ? " AND active=1 AND approved=1" : '';

$item_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions WHERE
	auction_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['auction_id']) . "'");

$main_category_id = $db->main_category($item_details['category_id']);
$category_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT minimum_age FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE category_id='" . $main_category_id . "'");

if ($_REQUEST['option'] == 'agree_adult')
	$session->set('adult_category', 1);	

$can_view = false;
$adult_cat = false;
if ($item_details['auction_id'])
	if (($session->value('adminarea')=="Active") || ($item_details['active'] ==1 && $item_details['approved'] == 1) || ($session->value('user_id') == $item_details['owner_id']))
		$can_view = true;	
		$adult_cat = false;
	if ($session->value('adminarea')!="Active" && $category_details['minimum_age'] > 0 && !$session->value('adult_category'))
		$can_view = false;	
		$adult_cat = true;

if ($can_view)
	$blocked_user = blocked_user($session->value('user_id'), $item_details['owner_id']);
	$template->set('blocked_user', $blocked_user);

	if ($blocked_user)
		$template->set('block_reason_msg', block_reason($session->value('user_id'), $item_details['owner_id']));

	$template->set('auction_id', intval($_REQUEST['auction_id']));## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 add click
	$sql_add_click = $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions SET nb_clicks=nb_clicks+1 WHERE auction_id=" . $item_details['auction_id']);

	$user_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM
		" . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $item_details['owner_id']);

	$custom_fld = new custom_field();

	$msg = new messaging();
	$msg->setts = &$setts;

	 * if we have a user logged in, we mark as read any questions/answers he has received
	if ($session->value('user_id'))
		$msg->mark_read($session->value('user_id'), 0, $item_details['auction_id'], 1); //<-- needs mysql optimization!

	$blocked_user = blocked_user($session->value('user_id'), $item_details['owner_id'], 'message');
	if (in_array($_REQUEST['option'], array('post_question', 'post_answer')) || in_array($_REQUEST['operation'], array('post_question', 'post_answer')))
		if ($blocked_user)
			$msg_changes_saved = block_reason($session->value('user_id'), $item_details['owner_id'], 'message');	
			if ($_REQUEST['option'] == 'post_question')
				$msg->new_topic($item_details['auction_id'], $session->value('user_id'), $item_details['owner_id'], 1, '', $_REQUEST['message_content'], $_REQUEST['message_handle']);
				header_redirect('auction_details.php?auction_id=' . $item_details['auction_id'] . '&operation=post_question');
			else if ($_REQUEST['option'] == 'post_answer')
				$msg->reply(intval($_REQUEST['question_id']), $session->value('user_id'), '', $_REQUEST['message_content']);
				header_redirect('auction_details.php?auction_id=' . $item_details['auction_id'] . '&operation=post_answer');
			if ($_REQUEST['operation'] == 'post_question')
				$msg_changes_saved = '<p align="center" class="contentfont">' . MSG_QUESTION_POSTED_SUCCESSFULLY . '</p>';
			else if ($_REQUEST['operation'] == 'post_answer')
				$msg_changes_saved = '<p align="center" class="contentfont">' . MSG_ANSWER_POSTED_SUCCESSFULLY . '</p>';
	## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 item watch procedure
	if ($_REQUEST['option'] == 'item_watch')
		if ($session->value('user_id'))
			$item_watch = $item->item_watch_add($item_details['auction_id'], $session->value('user_id'), $item_details['owner_id']);
			$msg_changes_saved = '<p align="center" class="contentfont">' . $item_watch . '</p>';
			$msg_changes_saved = '<p align="center" class="contentfont">' . MSG_LOGIN_FOR_ITEM_WATCH . '</p>';
	## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 send auction to a friend procedure
	if ($_REQUEST['option'] == 'auction_friend')
		$form_submitted = 0;
		if (isset($_REQUEST['form_auction_friend']))
			define ('FRMCHK_AUCTION_FRIEND', 1);
			(int) $item_post = 1;
			$af_details = $_REQUEST;
			$frmchk_details = $af_details;

			if ($fv->is_error())
				$template->set('display_formcheck_errors', '<tr><td colspan="2">' . $fv->display_errors() . '</td></tr>');
				$auction_friend_output = $item->auction_friend($item_details, $session->value('user_id'), $af_details['friend_name'], $af_details['friend_email'], $_REQUEST['comments'], $af_details['name'], $af_details['email']);
				$msg_changes_saved = '<p align="center" class="contentfont">' . $auction_friend_output . '</p>';
		if (!$form_submitted)
			if (!$item_post && $session->value('user_id'))
				$af_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT name, email FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id='" . $session->value('user_id') . "'");
			$post_details = ($item_post) ? $_GET : $af_details;
			$template->set('post_details', $post_details);

			$session->set('pin_value', md5(rand(2,99999999)));
			$generated_pin = generate_pin($session->value('pin_value'));
			$pin_image_output = show_pin_image($session->value('pin_value'), $generated_pin);
			$template->set('pin_image_output', $pin_image_output);
			$template->set('generated_pin', $generated_pin);
			$auction_friend_form = $template->process('auction_friend.tpl.php');
			$template->set('auction_friend_form', $auction_friend_form);

	if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete_topic' && $session->value('adminarea') == 'Active') /* delete public question - admin area feature only */
		$db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "messaging WHERE topic_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['topic_id']) . "'");
		$msg_changes_saved = '<p align="center">' . MSG_TOPIC_DELETED . '</p>';

	$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);

	$item_details['quantity'] = $item->set_quantity($item_details['quantity']);

	$custom_fld->save_edit_vars($item_details['owner_id'], $page_handle);

	$media_details = $item->get_media_values(intval($_REQUEST['auction_id']));
	$item_details['ad_image'] = $media_details['ad_image'];
	$item_details['ad_video'] = $media_details['ad_video'];
	$item_details['ad_dd'] = $media_details['ad_dd'];

	$template->set('item_details', $item_details);

	$template->set('buyout_only', $item->buyout_only($item_details));

	$template->set('user_details', $user_details);

	//$template->set('fees', $fees);
	$template->set('session', $session);
	$template->set('item', $item);

	$template->set('item_can_bid', $item->can_bid($session->value('user_id'), $item_details));

	$template->set('main_category_display', category_navigator($item_details['category_id'], true, false, 'categories.php'));
	$template->set('addl_category_display', category_navigator($item_details['addl_category_id'], true, false, 'categories.php'));

	$template->set('direct_payment_box', $item->direct_payment_box($item_details, $session->value('user_id')));
	$template->set('ad_display', 'live'); /* if ad_display = preview, then some table fields will be disabled */

	$template->set('show_buyout', show_buyout($item_details));

	$template->set('your_bid', $item->your_bid($item_details['auction_id'], $session->value('user_id')));

	$tax = new tax();
	$seller_country = $tax->display_countries($user_details['country']);
	$template->set('seller_country', $seller_country);

	$template->set('auction_location', $item->item_location($item_details));
	$template->set('auction_country', $tax->display_countries($item_details['country']));

	$swap_offer_link = ($item_details['enable_swap'] && $session->value('user_id') != $item_details['owner_id']) ? '[ <a href="swap_offer.php?auction_id=' . $item_details['auction_id'] . '">' . MSG_MAKE_SWAP_OFFER . '</a> ]' : '';
	$template->set('swap_offer_link', $swap_offer_link);

	$item->show_hidden_bid = ($item_details['owner_id'] == $session->value('user_id') || $session->value('adminarea') == 'Active') ? true : false;
	$template->set('high_bidders_content', $item->show_high_bid($item_details, 'high_bid'));
	$template->set('winners_content', $item->show_high_bid($item_details, 'winner'));

	$winners_message_board = $item->winners_message_board_link($item_details, $session->value('user_id'));
	$template->set('winners_message_board', $winners_message_board);

	$item_watch_text = $item->item_watch_text($item_details['auction_id']);
	$template->set('item_watch_text', $item_watch_text);
	$reputation_table_small = $reputation->rep_table_small($item_details['owner_id'], $item_details['auction_id']);
	$template->set('reputation_table_small', $reputation_table_small);

	$auction_tax = $tax->auction_tax($user_details['user_id'], $setts['enable_tax'], $session->value('user_id'));
	$template->set('auction_tax', $auction_tax);

	$custom_fld->new_table = ($setts['default_theme'] == 'ultra') ? true : false;
	$custom_fld->field_colspan = 1;
	$custom_sections_table = $custom_fld->display_sections($item_details, $page_handle, true, $item_details['auction_id'], $db->main_category($item_details['category_id']));
	$template->set('custom_sections_table', $custom_sections_table);

	$ad_image_thumbnails = $item->item_media_thumbnails($item_details, 1);
	$full_size_images_link = $item->full_size_images($item_details);
	$template->set('ad_image_thumbnails', $ad_image_thumbnails . '<br>' . $full_size_images_link);

	$ad_video_thumbnails = $item->item_media_thumbnails($item_details, 2);
	$template->set('ad_video_thumbnails', $ad_video_thumbnails);

	$ad_dd_thumbnails = $item->item_media_thumbnails($item_details, 3);
	$template->set('ad_dd_thumbnails', $ad_dd_thumbnails);
	$video_play_file = (!empty($_REQUEST['video_name'])) ? $_REQUEST['video_name'] : $item_details['ad_video'][0];
	$ad_video_main_box = $item->video_box($video_play_file);
	$template->set('ad_video_main_box', $ad_video_main_box);## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 auction questions
	if ($setts['enable_asq'])
		$public_messages = $msg->public_messages($item_details['auction_id']);

		(string) $public_questions_content = null;
		while ($msg_details = $db->fetch_array($public_messages))
			$public_questions_content .= '<tr class="c2"> '.
				'	<td><table width="100%"> '.
   			'			<tr> '.
   			'				<td><img src="themes/' . $setts['default_theme'] . '/img/system/q.gif" /></td> '.
   			'				<td width="100%" align="right"><strong>' . MSG_QUESTION . '</strong></td> '.
   			'			</tr> '.
   			'		</table></td> '.
   			'	<td>' . $msg_details['question_content'] . '</td>'.
   			'</tr> '.
   			'<tr class="c1"> '.
   			'	<td><table width="100%"> '.
   			'			<tr> '.
   			'				<td><img src="themes/' . $setts['default_theme'] . '/img/system/a.gif" /></td> '.
   			'				<td width="100%" align="right"><strong>' . MSG_ANSWER . '</strong></td> '.
   			'			</tr> '.
   			'		</table></td> '.
   			'	<td>' . ((!empty($msg_details['answer_content'])) ? $msg_details['answer_content'] : '-') . '</td> '.

   		if ($session->value('adminarea') == 'Active')
	   		$public_questions_content .= '<tr> '.
	   			'	<td></td> '.
	   			'	<td class="c1 contentfont"> '.
         		'		[ <a href="auction_details.php?do=delete_topic&topic_id=' . $msg_details['topic_id'] . '&auction_id=' . $item_details['auction_id'] . '" onclick="return confirm(\\'' . MSG_DELETE_CONFIRM . '\\');">' . MSG_DELETE_TOPIC . '</a> ]</td> '.
   		else if ($session->value('user_id') == $item_details['owner_id'])
	   		$public_questions_content .= '<tr> '.
	   			'	<td></td> '.
	   			'	<form method="get"> '.
	   			'	<td class="c1"> '.
         		'		<input type="button" value="'.MSG_SUBMIT_EDIT_ANSWER.'" onClick="openPopup(\\'popup_edit_public_question.php?auction_id=' . $item_details['auction_id'] . '&question_id='.$msg_details['question_id'].'\\')"></td> '.
      			'	</form> '.

   		$public_questions_content .= '<tr class="c4"> '.
   			'	<td></td> '.
   			'	<td></td> '.

		$template->set('public_questions_content', $public_questions_content);

	if (!empty($item_details['direct_payment']))
		$dp_methods = $item->select_direct_payment($item_details['direct_payment'], $user_details['user_id'], true);

		$direct_payment_methods_display = $template->generate_table($dp_methods, 2, 3, 3, null, '', '');
		$template->set('direct_payment_methods_display', $direct_payment_methods_display);

	if (!empty($item_details['payment_methods']))
		$offline_payments = $item->select_offline_payment($item_details['payment_methods'], true);

		$offline_payment_methods_display = $template->generate_table($offline_payments, 4, 3, 3, null, '', '');
		$template->set('offline_payment_methods_display', $offline_payment_methods_display);
	/* BEGIN -> shipping calculator box code snippet */
	/* END -> shipping calculator box code snippet */

	if ($setts['enable_other_items_adp'])
		$select_condition = "WHERE AND a.closed=0 AND a.creation_in_progress=0 AND a.deleted=0 AND
			a.list_in!='store' AND a.owner_id=" . $item_details['owner_id'] . " AND a.auction_id!=" . $item_details['auction_id'];

		//$template->set('db', $db);## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 the design is handled in the mainpage.tpl.php file to allow liberty on skins design
		$other_items = $db->random_rows('auctions a', 'a.auction_id,, a.start_price, a.max_bid, a.currency, a.end_time', $select_condition, $layout['hpfeat_nb']);
		$template->set('other_items', $other_items);

	## add the search details back link if the auction was accessed through the search page.
	(string) $search_url = null;
	if ($_REQUEST['auction_search'] == 1)
		$additional_vars = '&option=' . $_REQUEST['option'] . '&src_auction_id=' . $_REQUEST['src_auction_id'] . '&keywords_search=' . $_REQUEST['keywords_search'] .
			'&buyout_price=' . $_REQUEST['buyout_price'] . '&reserve_price=' . $_REQUEST['reserve_price'] .
			'&quantity=' . $_REQUEST['quantity'] . '&enable_swap=' . $_REQUEST['enable_swap'] .
			'&list_in=' . $_REQUEST['list_in'] . '&results_view=' . $_REQUEST['results_view'] .
			'&country=' . $_REQUEST['country'] . '&zip_code=' . $_REQUEST['zip_code'] . '&username=' . $_REQUEST['username'] .
			'&basic_search=' . $_REQUEST['basic_search'];		
		$search_url = 'auction_search.php?start=0' . $additional_vars;
		$template->set('search_url', $search_url);	
	$template->change_path('themes/' . $setts['default_theme'] . '/templates/');
	$template_output .= $template->process('auction_details.tpl.php');
else if ($adult_cat)
	$template->set('categories_header_menu', $item_details['name']);
	$template->set('minimum_age', $category_details['minimum_age']);
	$template->set('auction_id', $item_details['auction_id']);
	$template_output .= $template->process('adult_category_warning.tpl.php');
	$template->set('message_header', header5(MSG_AUCTION_DETAILS_ERROR_TITLE));
	$template->set('message_content', '<p align="center">' . MSG_AUCTION_DETAILS_ERROR_CONTENT . '</p>');

	$template_output .= $template->process('single_message.tpl.php');

include_once ('global_footer.php');

echo $template_output;

This is maybe a long process since we need to take one step at a time. I hope you have the patient.

Next step is to replace your test.php with the code below:

## auction_details.php                                        ##
## Copyright 2012 - All rights reserved.                    ##


define ('IN_SITE', 1);
define ('AUCTION_DETAILS', 1);

include_once ('includes/global.php');
include_once ('includes/class_formchecker.php');
include_once ('includes/class_custom_field.php');
include_once ('includes/class_user.php');
include_once ('includes/class_fees.php');
include_once ('includes/class_item.php');
include_once ('includes/functions_item.php');
include_once ('includes/class_messaging.php');
include_once ('includes/class_reputation.php');

require ('global_header.php');

(array) $user_details = null;

$start_time_id = 1;
$end_time_id = 2;

$item = new item();
$item->setts = &$setts;
$item->layout = &$layout;

$reputation = new reputation();
$reputation->setts = &$setts;

$page_handle = 'auction';

$addl_query = ($session->value('adminarea')!="Active") ? " AND active=1 AND approved=1" : '';

$item_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions WHERE
    auction_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['auction_id']) . "'");

echo "<pre>";
echo "<h4>item</h4>";
echo "<h4>reputation</h4>";
echo "<h4>item_details</h4>";
echo "<h4>session</h4>";
echo "<h4>_SESSION</h4>";
echo "<h4>_REQUEST</h4>";

With the above step done then enter this:

Let us know what you got.

Hi tom8, thank you :slight_smile:

ok all done, you can view results at your link :slight_smile:

Replace the code in test.php with the code below:

## auction_details.php                                        ##
## Copyright 2012 - All rights reserved.                    ##


define ('IN_SITE', 1);
define ('AUCTION_DETAILS', 1);

include_once ('includes/global.php');
include_once ('includes/class_formchecker.php');
include_once ('includes/class_custom_field.php');
include_once ('includes/class_user.php');
include_once ('includes/class_fees.php');
include_once ('includes/class_item.php');
include_once ('includes/functions_item.php');
include_once ('includes/class_messaging.php');
include_once ('includes/class_reputation.php');

require ('global_header.php');

(array) $user_details = null;

$start_time_id = 1;
$end_time_id = 2;

$item = new item();
$item->setts = &$setts;
$item->layout = &$layout;

$reputation = new reputation();
$reputation->setts = &$setts;

$page_handle = 'auction';

$addl_query = ($session->value('adminarea')!="Active") ? " AND active=1 AND approved=1" : '';

$item_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions WHERE
    auction_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['auction_id']) . "'");

$auction_code = $item_details['country'];
$auction_country = $tax->display_countries($item_details['country']);

<td><b><?=MSG_COUNTRY;?>:</b> <?  echo "($auction_code) $auction_country"; ?> <br>

<b><?=MSG_START_BID;?>:</b> <? echo $feat_fees->display_amount($item_details['start_price'], $item_details['currency']);?> <br>

<b><?=MSG_CURRENT_BID;?>:</b> <? echo $feat_fees->display_amount($item_details['max_bid'], $item_details['currency']);?> <br>

<b><?=MSG_ENDS;?>:</b> <? echo show_date($item_details['end_time']); ?> </td>

Let me know when it is done.

Script correction:

## auction_details.php                                        ##
## Copyright 2012 - All rights reserved.                    ##


define ('IN_SITE', 1);
define ('AUCTION_DETAILS', 1);

include_once ('includes/global.php');
include_once ('includes/class_formchecker.php');
include_once ('includes/class_custom_field.php');
include_once ('includes/class_user.php');
include_once ('includes/class_fees.php');
include_once ('includes/class_item.php');
include_once ('includes/functions_item.php');
include_once ('includes/class_messaging.php');
include_once ('includes/class_reputation.php');

require ('global_header.php');

(array) $user_details = null;

$start_time_id = 1;
$end_time_id = 2;

$item = new item();
$item->setts = &$setts;
$item->layout = &$layout;

$reputation = new reputation();
$reputation->setts = &$setts;

$page_handle = 'auction';

$addl_query = ($session->value('adminarea')!="Active") ? " AND active=1 AND approved=1" : '';

$item_details = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions WHERE
    auction_id='" . intval($_REQUEST['auction_id']) . "'");

$auction_code = $item_details['country'];

$tax = new tax();
$auction_country = $tax->display_countries($item_details['country']);
<b><?=MSG_COUNTRY;?>:</b> <?  echo "($auction_code) $auction_country"; ?> <br>

<b><?=MSG_START_BID;?>:</b> <? echo $feat_fees->display_amount($item_details['start_price'], $item_details['currency']);?> <br>

<b><?=MSG_CURRENT_BID;?>:</b> <? echo $feat_fees->display_amount($item_details['max_bid'], $item_details['currency']);?> <br>

<b><?=MSG_ENDS;?>:</b> <? echo show_date($item_details['end_time']); ?> 

Hello tom8, ok code placed (Script Correction), results are:

Country: (2070) Thailand
Start Bid:

progress :slight_smile: thank you :slight_smile:

I’m glad we making progress. Now that we know where the country name is coming from, please use that on your original script and see if it works now. Let us know of any problem.

HI tom8, thank you :slight_smile:

ok now have I got this correct?

I paste the code into the original php I was using, which is the main_page.tpl.php

<b><?=MSG_COUNTRY;?>:</b> <? echo “($auction_code) $auction_country”; ?> <br>

and any other code into this page ? as I see you also have:

$auction_code = $item_details[‘country’];

$tax = new tax();
$auction_country = $tax->display_countries($item_details[‘country’]);