How to add to a Multidimensional Array?

Hey guys,

I want to add 5 items to the end of this multidimensional array but I’m not sure what the numbers mean.

$map = array(
		'product_id' 		=> array(0,0),
		'name'				=> array(1,0),
		'model'				=> array(2,0),
		'meta_description' 	=> array(1,2),
		'meta_keyword' 		=> array(1,3),
		'meta_title' 		=> array(17,0),
		'description' 		=> array(16,0),
		'tag'				=> array(1,4),
		'sku'				=> array(3,0),
		'upc'				=> array(1,6),
		'ean'				=> array(1,7),
		'jan'				=> array(1,8),
		'isbn'				=> array(1,9),
		'mpn'				=> array(1,10),
		'location'			=> array(1,11),
		'price'				=> array(14,0),
		'tax_class'			=> array(1,12),
		'quantity'			=> array(13,0),
		'minimum'			=> array(1,13),
		'subtract'			=> array(1,14),
		'stock_status'		=> array(1,15),
		'shipping'			=> array(1,16),
		'keyword'			=> array(1,17),
		'image'				=> array(6,0),
		'date_available'	=> array(1,18),
		'length'			=> array(7,0),
		'width'				=> array(8,0),
		'height'			=> array(9,0),
		'length_class'		=> array(1,19),
		'weight'			=> array(10,0),
		'weight_class'		=> array(1,20),
		'status'			=> array(5,0),
		'sort_order'		=> array(1,21),
		'manufacturer'		=> array(11,0),
		'categories'		=> array(4,0),
		'stores'			=> array(12,0),
		'downloads'			=> array(1,23),
		'filters'			=> array(1,24),
		'recurrings'		=> array(1,25),
		'related'			=> array(15,0),
		'attribute'			=> array(4,1),
		'option'			=> array(4,3),
		'discount'			=> array(4,9),
		'special'			=> array(4,15),
		'product_image'	=> array(4,20),
		'points'			=> array(4,23),
		'reward_points'	=> array(5,22),
		'design'			=> array(4,24),

Extra Items I would like to add:

		'country_of_origin' => array( ? ),
		'release_date' 		=> aarray( ? ),
		'grading' 			=> array( ? ),
		'media_type' 		=> array( ? ),
		'gradingcondition' 	=> array( ? ),
		'genre_name' 		=> array( ? ),


Any help would be much appreciated

They appear to be cell coordinates within an Excel spreadsheet.

$source = array(0,2 + $this->productSize*($progress['importedCount']));
$product_name = strval($productSheetObj->getCell(PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($source[0] + $map['name'][0]) . ($source[1] + $map['name'][1]))->getValue());

They appear to be cell coordinates within an Excel spreadsheet.

Very Interesting. It is using a Excel Spreadsheet Template to send the data to. Could be worth opening it up and working out what column I should be setting.

Thank you StarLion

Any idea what

$merges = array(0,1,1,1, 0,5,1,5, 0,22,1,22, 2,1,2,2, 2,3,2,8, 2,9,2,14, 2,15,2,19, 2,20,2,21, 2,22,2,23, 2,24,2,25);

might be used for?

            for ($i = 0; $i < count($merges); $i += 4) {
                $productSheetObj->mergeCells(PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($target[0] + $merges[$i]) . ($target[1] + $merges[$i+1]) . ':' . PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($target[0] + $merges[$i+2]) . ($target[1] + $merges[$i+3])); 

$merges appears to be just what it says on the tin - a group of cells to be merged. Specifically, it would appear that this is a set of 4 coordinates (with a : between them, so a cell range)

Makes sense, with that information I was able to get the script to work with those extra fields

It stops at 1000 on a SSL server, probably the php.ini file

Will check with the web host tomorrow

thanks again

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