How to assign this to variable

I need some help,I am trying to convert the first package of image to put inside into double quotes like this
" "; in order that I can assign it into variable ($packimg1=“hexcode_here”);.but my editor will produce errors.

Thank you in advance.

FF D8 FF DB 00 84 00 13 
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What editor are you using?


Wait, so you’re attempting to assign the above code to a variable in PHP?

You could either save it into a file by itself, and then assign the return value from file_get_contents(), or you could use a nowdoc (PHP 5.3 <=):

$hexCode = file_get_contents('hex_code_file.txt');

$hexCode1 = <<<'hexcode'
paste the hex code here

The reason why I suggested a nowdoc over a heredoc is because you have the \0 character sequence in your hex code, which would be interpreted by the PHP engine (by back referencing it to an ASCII character in the octal numbering system to the NUL char). This would cause it to be omitted.

@tpunt, Thank you for the reply,Okay I will try this solution…