How to be a good photographer?

How to be a good photographer?
I mean give some tips. some important side that a photographer must have…etc.

You can also meet other photographers at a camera club where you can learn about photography, see what others are taking pictures and share what you are doing. I would say at the beginning you’ll want to learn the basics of photography such as composition and lighting. Take pictures, find out what you like, keep at it and enjoy.

Mittineaque hit on a really important point that may seem sublime: luck.

If there is only one thing that can make you a better photographer, it is to shoot-shoot-shoot-shoot some more.

You need to be willing to “throw away” a lot of photos. When documenting any subject/event dont’ hesitate to take numerous pictures. The larger your selection of photos the better your chosen one will be (simple statistics). Any photographer of “prize winning” pieces will acknowledge that the one was just one among many (someimes hundreds).
In the days of celluloid there was a balance between a large selection of photos and the expense involved in shooting up more film. Today, with digital, there is no excuse.

{I found a place to buy film for my new digital camera. It is the same place that sold me a DVD rewinder}

The best equipment in itself does not make a good picture. The photographer needs to be an artist and to have luck. Even when the photographer and the subject are stationary, subtle facial expressions and lighting effects are very fleeting. So take lots of pictures. A “one shot” may be OK for the family album, but if you want something quality you’ll be lucky if 1 out of 20 makes the grade.

As for having a sense of content, dimension, balance, contrast, etc. I guess some artists are born with it, but if you take lots of pictures you’ll see for yourself which are better even if you can’t explain why in technical terms.

In other words, practice, practice, practice.

To be able to cast a critical eye over photos you take, compare them technically and subjectively and work at it long enough to learn how to take awesome shots every time.

Don’t try mimic others, follow your heart. For eg. if you like landscapes most & you feel more passionate about the beauty of different landscapes, then improve on that first. Don’t that because X genre is more popular so you should go with that instead. Its easy to master something you really like.

Keep your mind open for different perspectives. Remember, there’s always more than one way to skin a cat.

Learn to take criticism (even one made in bad taste) constructively, you’ll always learn something if you keep your head cool when someone criticises your work. :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t say try to mimic others, but, find photographers whose work you admire, and try to understand the concepts behind what makes that photo a good one. It’s a probably a good place to start and you’ll become aware of what to look out for when taking your own photos.

Good advise by everyone. I was a professional photographer for many years, years ago. I’d shoot at least two rolls of film almost every day, taking after a famous photog in France. You will NEVER take “great shots” every single time but the idea is to get the basics down so you don’t have to think about them and concentrate on other details and being creative.

So, shoot every day. Don’t worry about the subject. Just walk around the house or your neighborhood and watch the light. The light is the key to everything.

learn the basics and styles in modern photography…

you dont need to buy high end cams to expose your skills…

first things first… buy a camera :slight_smile:

just keep on clicking then sort which are the best one’s

That’s what I do.

[FONT=“Georgia”]Depends on what you’re interested in. But as a general rule, for Life, as well as photography, asp_funda already said it.


It all depends on the object you want to shoot, the location you’re in, the light conditions at that time and the camera itself.
Then: your eyes are your tools: composition.
Your technical knowledge about photography can make you take the picture more beautiful: to set dof, etc…

Great tips. I am looking forward to become photographer.

Find professional photographers and ask them instead of asking online where tons of people that have no idea how will try to help but fail.

I think skill is another thing and can be learned however artistic expression is another and you are either born with artistic talent or you are not

[FONT=“Georgia”]Not true. No-one is born with automatic knowledge.

I think, depending on their parents, people maybe born with affinities for some groups of things; But that’s all it will remain unless studied and practiced.


ask the opinions of professional photographers, their tecnique and field of especialty

visit here to know how to be a good photographer.

[FONT=“Georgia”]And practice.

How about practice shooting doorways for this month’s Photo Showcase ?



As in every discipline practice is the only way to become the master.