How to chage my website blog URL?

How to chage my website blog URL?

What’s the URL now adn what do you want it to be?

Are you talking about the whole domain? Folder name? File name?

You’ll have to explain yourself better if you want an answer… do you mean the whole domain? like from to or only the blog folder to another folder? Or moving the blog to a subdomain while the rest of the site stays the same?

This is my blog URL:
I need to change that is it possible?

Your blog is probably outside of public_html is that correct? You need to move it inside.

If that’s not the case, if you give us the folder structure of your web directory we can advise.

No need to give the same answer twice… if you just answer to one of us, the other will see the answer in this topic :wink:

First thing, you have to know your folder structure in your hosting domain.

If your blog files are kept under the http folder, in a subfolder named “blog”, you simply need to delete the subdomain information.

If it is under another folder but you don’t want to move your files, then you simply need to change the information in your subdomain.

To do so, you need to log into your hosting control panel where you have all kind of utilities (create new e-mail accounts, view traffic statistics and long etc).

One of those options will be subdomains. For a subdomain you’ll have two fields: one that will be the url that will be seen, and a second which is the real URL pointing to the true folder.

Change the values accordingly and you’re done.

Can’t give you more exact instructions because they do depend on the software that your hosting provider is running to give you access to their control panel

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