How to change default "Portfolio" text to another text in Wordpress Editor

So, I am going to be as deep and thorough as possible.
I will also be uploading screenshots to make things easier for you great people.
So, here’s the situation-
My website (Wordpress Based) has an option of adding “Portfolio” (located in the left bar in the admin area)
When I click on this tab, I get the following options:

  • [Portfolio]
    [Add New]
    [Portfolio Categories]

I am able to achieve all in this section, now when I set up a Page and set the page template as a portfolio page, The webpage displays the following:
Header: “Whatever Name I Put as the Portfolio entry”.
Below the header is a picture gallery.
On the Right of this image gallery is written “About Project” >>> I want to change the text from that to something else.
How would i go around that?

Beneath the About project is Project desc. Which again needs to be changed to something else.
Beneath is a CTA button, I would like to change the text on it as well.

So Far, I have been successful in changing the Similar Projects to Similar Cars - I did that with the help of the editor like this:

<div class="relatedProjects">
              	<div class="boxedTitle "><h4><?php _e('Related Projects','lioit');?></h4></div>
<?php global $post; $projects =   get_related_projects($post->ID); ?>
			<?php if($projects->have_posts()): ?>

Here i Changed the Related Projects to Something else.
How ever I am unable to find where the other 3 are in the code.

Help is highly appreciated!

If the texts aren’t hard coded in the template, but taken from a language file, then maybe you could change the language file with an editor like poedit ?

Make sure to make a copy of the language file before you start editing… just in case :wink:

Hi reyqaz, welcome to the forums,

Indeed, the gettext _e function call

_e('Related Projects','lioit');

indicates that there should be a translation file somewhere.
i.e. use “Related Projects” or the translation found in “lioit” dependent on what Language is being used.