How to change the color of the alert box in javascript

How to change the color of the alert box in javascript ?

You can’t, the alert box uses what ever color the browser developers set it to. The only way to to get a custom colored alert box is to create your own and write the code for it.

you can use a custom alert box, made up of div

If you’re already using jQuery, there is the Dialog UI element that jQUeryUI has.

i put alert box in mobile means, it display the alert box like http://localhost says… then message how to avoid this any one pls give soultion

Again this is another browser design, anything to do with the native alert box can’t be touched without some sort of browser based plugin. The only way you can achieve what you want is by building a custom alert box or using the jQuery UI dialog box.

Can you give some examples jui alert box which is support in mobile devices

jQuery Mobile is what you would want there, for example:
jQuery Mobile Dialogs

Hi i have include the jquery mobile css in my design it works fine for some time afterwards jquery mobile css was overwrite my own css, how to resolve this ?

now i couldnt see anything in my page. so i have removed visibility hidden in jquery mobile then i couldnt click any thing in my webpage. any body know why it bahave like this ?