How to differentiate the followrs and Friends added on Face book fan page

If some one create any page on Facebook and then he add some of the friends. How can we identify these group of peoples are regular visitors of your fan page.


Really the only way to track if people are coming to your page is if they are engaging with your content (i.e. liking, sharing, commenting). I know this excludes people who just visit but don’t interact with anything but engagement might be a better metric to focus on.

There are some third party tools to track visitors on your applications and custom page tabs,



Also, understand that many of your followers won’t visit your page. I rarely visit a fan page except to check the Like button. After that, I see the content of those I follow in my news feed. I make sure to like, comment, and share. These are the tools that tell you if the content you are posting is enjoyed by your followers and reaching out to new ones.

Theres is no way to categorize your audience. the only way to track audience is through notifications which like you page or post

You can not differentiate the followers and friends but you can come to know through people who likes your page, comments or pictures or share them.

Facebook friends could see all your activities and also they could comment,share and tag your photos,videos and others.But followers could only see your activities.