How to do Redirect in PHP with POST and not GET


How can one redirect in PHP via the Post method rather than method GET?

That is I know of this redirect and use it often:


but this results in page1.php displaying the variable value pairs exposed to the public.

How can one do a redirect in php with method POST so that the variable and
value are not publicly exposed.


You can’t, but you can request the page and show its output?

echo file_get_contents("");

You cant redirect page with post values in php.

If you want then you have to use javascript as most sites are doing (if you have seen paypal or other sites saying “wait for 5 seconds”.).

You can do it as below.

<form name=‘fr’ action=‘redirect(.)php’ method=‘POST’>
<include type=‘hidden’ name=‘var1’ value=‘val1’>
<include type=‘hidden’ name=‘var2’ value=‘val2’>
<script type=‘text/javascript’>;

This will post all variables to redirect(.)php.

I hope this will help you.


And thanks for your response.

Some questions:
1- why is there a . in the redirect(.)php?

2- Are you saying that I create a form as you have below in the page from which I want to redirect to another page with the data sent via Post and not Get? Sorry, I am not following!


I think redirect(.)php was typed to overcome sitepoints restriction on posting urls for new members. redirect.php is what was intended.

And yes, you’re essentially outputting a form which will submit via post to a different url, because there is no reliable way to get a browser to send a post request automatically aside from javascript. If the user has javascript enabled, then javascript will submit the form immediately upon page load. Otherwise, the user will need to submit the html form manually, so you should provide a message for them to do so.

Be aware that the user can still see the values in the form if they view the html source, and so they can obviously manipulate them if they wanted.

If it’s on the same server, you can use session to store values, but.

header function is used to send HTTP/1.1 specification header, so it should be possible to POST data by using it. There is many thinks you can do with header

try this:

$host = "";
$path = "/path/to/script.php";
$data = "data1=value1&data2=value2";
$data = urlencode($data);

header("POST $path HTTP/1.1\\r\
" );
header("Host: $host\\r\
" );
header("Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\\r\
" );
header("Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\\r\
" );
header("Connection: close\\r\
" );

Ok, thanks for your ideas.
I think I will stick to storing the data in SESSIONS and passing
them along this way and sticking with Header to call other pages via
the Get method.

Cheers :slight_smile:

I think I will stick to storing the data in SESSIONS and passing

The secure way. Never should you trust data from post or get even if you “think” that you send it.

Yes, OK.
So Sessions is the way to pass all data, and not Get or Post.

BTW, do you think that one should always set a Session value to Null
after using it. I mean is this better for computer CPU & Memory performance
on server and/or client side?


If you’re sure you won’t need the variable anymore, then yes unset() will reduce memory and cpu resource costs. But, unless the variable contains some very large amount of data, this is insignificant. I would more focus on using unset() on session variables for purposes of making your application work properly.

Be aware though that storing certain things in sessions can break the users ability to browse your site using multiple browser windows. Storing multipage form data in sessions is definately convenient for the programmer, but be aware of this drawback that actions performed in one window may affect the other window because they share the same session data. Sometimes it’s desired, sometimes not.

Sorry but I always tend to complicate thinks. Before you do it read something about Session Fixation and Hijacking:

BTW, is it better to do use unset() or just set the SESSION to = null?
I mean which one of these is better:

$_SESSION[‘xyz’] = null


I think this is philosophy question :wink:
there is also session_unset that unsets all session variables.

I use null a lot, since I found wired case in OOP when after unseting it, the class was still there. but null will set it’s value to null and not destroy variable where unset() will destroy a variable.

Since we have a kind of Garbage collector this doesn’t matter. Use the one, that fits best to your code on. Perhaps unset would fit best and test it with isset.

I use null mostly for killing classes, but I always use a destructor method if needed. I’ve learned this in .net world.

Yes, I agree.
So I think I will stick with $_SESSION[‘xyz’] = null

Good day :slight_smile:

In some cases you find it neccessary to intercept a POSTed page and redirect the user AND data. One example maybe that a user has submitted a form, but their login has expired and you need to reauthenticate them first. Another example could be purely for debugging purposes where you want to redirect a request after a long set of debugging output. In both case, you can use this set of functions:

common functions file for PHP (1.5.6) [partial]
Created: 2004 by Chris Bloom [ chrisbloom7[AT]gmail[DOT]com ]
Last Updated: 2008-05-03

if (!defined('POSTBACK_PARAMETER_PREFIX')) define('POSTBACK_PARAMETER_PREFIX','__postback__');

 * Generates a redirect statement based on current state of output/headers
 * @access private
 * @param mixed $targetURL Optional complete URL to redirect to. If not specified, returns false.
 * @param mixed $dataArray Optional array of name=>value parameters to pass along.
 * @param boolean $pauseBefore Optional flag. Useful for debugging - will force to redirect by manual form/POST.
 * @return null Result dependant on redirect method. May be a JavaScript redirect string if output has already started.
 *   Otherwise, PHP headers will be added directly. Processing will halt directly after in either case.
function redirect($targetURL = false, $dataArray = false, $pauseBefore = false) {
	if (!strlen($targetURL)) return false;

	$search = '';
	if (strrpos($targetURL,'#') !== false) {
		list($targetURL,$search) = explode('#',$targetURL);
	if (strlen($search)) $search = '#'.rawurlencode($search);

	if (strrpos($targetURL,'?') !== false) {
		list($targetURL,$extraParams) = explode('?',$targetURL);
		$extraParams = explode('&',$extraParams);
		foreach ($extraParam as $name => $value) {
			$dataArray[$name] = $value;
	if (is_array($dataArray)) $dataArray = array_merge($dataArray);

	if ($pauseBefore !== false) {
	else {
		$sep = '?';
		foreach ($dataArray as $name => $value) {
			$targetURL .= $sep.rawurlencode($name).'='.rawurlencode($value);
			$sep = '&';
		if (!headers_sent()) {
			header('Location: '.$targetURL.$search);
		else {
			echo "<script type=\\"text/javascript\\" language=\\"javascript\\">window.location.replace('".addslashes(htmlentities($targetURL.$search))."');</script>";

 * Outputs a form to use in request redirection. May submit automatically if browser allows.
 * @access private
 * @param mixed $targetURL Complete URL to redirect to.
 * @param mixed $dataArray Optional array of name=>value parameters to write as input fields.
 * @param boolean $redirectByPost Optional flag. Useful for debugging - will force to redirect by manual form/POST instead of form/GET.
 * @param boolean $autoSubmit Optional flag. Adds an onload javascript directive to submit form automatically.
 * @return null Outputs an HTML form set and terminates script execution.
function redirectByForm($targetURL, $dataArray = false, $redirectByPost = true, $autoSubmit = true) {
	if (!strlen($targetURL)) return false;
	$method = (($redirectByPost === true) ? 'post' : 'get');

	$search = '';
	if (strrpos($targetURL,'#') !== false) {
		list($targetURL,$search) = explode('#',$targetURL);
	if (strlen($search)) $search = '#'.rawurlencode($search);

	if (strrpos($targetURL,'?') !== false) {
		list($targetURL,$extraParams) = explode('?',$targetURL);
		$extraParams = explode('&',$extraParams);
		foreach ($extraParam as $name => $value) {
			$dataArray[$name] = $value;
	if (is_array($dataArray)) $dataArray = array_merge($dataArray);
	echo '<html><body'.(($autoSubmit == true) ? ' onload="document.forms[0].submit()"' : '').'><form method="'.$method.'"'.
		' action="'.htmlentities($targetURL.$search).'">';
	echo '<input type="submit" name="'.POSTBACK_PARAMETER_PREFIX.'submit" value="Continue" /></form></body></html>';
 * Outputs values from the dataArray as hidden form field elements.
 * @param array $dataArray Array of name=>value pairs to output. Nested arrays are processed recursively.
 * @param mixed $clean_array Optional parameter used to trim off array elements that start with specified string. Ignored if false.
 * @param string $id_prefix Optional string to append to beginning of element names when used as element ID attribute
 * @return null Outputs hidden HTML <input> fields directly
function writeHiddenFormFields($dataArray, $clean_array = false, $id_prefix = '') {
	if (!is_array($dataArray)) return false;
	if (!sizeof($dataArray)) return true;
	if ($clean_array) {
		$dataArray = array_clean($dataArray, $clean_array);
	foreach ($dataArray as $name => $value) {
		// repeat any POST params verbatim (except for the login page's internal POST params)
		// If this page is included by another page as a result of password timeout,
		// we want to preserve the GET or POST in progress

		// POST param name doesn't begin with $loginParamPrefix? Include it as a hidden form item.
		if (is_array($value)) {
			foreach ($value as $name2 => $value2) {
				writeHiddenFormFields(array("{$name}[{$name2}]" => $value2), $clean_array, $id_prefix);
		else {
			echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.htmlentities($name).'" id="'.htmlentities($id_prefix.preg_replace('/[^0-9a-z\\-_]/i','_',$name)).'" value="'.htmlentities($value).'" />'."\

function intercept_request($targetURL, $returnURL) {
	$targetURL = (($targetURL) ? $targetURL : 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
	$returnURL = ((strlen($returnURL)) ? $returnURL : false);

		$dataArray = array_clean(array_merge($_GET, $_POST), POSTBACK_PARAMETER_PREFIX);
		$dataArray[POSTBACK_PARAMETER_PREFIX.'return_method'] = 'post';
		if ($returnURL) $dataArray[POSTBACK_PARAMETER_PREFIX.'return'] = $returnURL;
		if (
			strpos($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'],'multipart/form-data') === 0
		) {
			//set error message to be displayed on the next page.
			$dataArray[POSTBACK_PARAMETER_PREFIX.'error'] = 'Your login expired before the form could be submitted. After signing in you will need to upload the file again.';
	} else {
		$dataArray = $_GET;
		if ($returnURL) $dataArray[POSTBACK_PARAMETER_PREFIX.'return'] = $returnURL;

function array_clean ($array, $todelete = false, $caseSensitive = false) {
	//removes elements from an array by comparing the value of each key
	foreach($array as $key => $value) {
		if(is_array($value)) {
			$array[$key] = array_clean($array[$key], $todelete, $caseSensitive);
		else {
			if($todelete) {
				if($caseSensitive) {
					if(strstr($key ,$todelete) !== false) {
				else {
					if(stristr($key, $todelete) !== false) {
			elseif (empty($key)) {
			} //END: if($todelete)
		} //END: if(is_array($value))
	} //END: foreach
	return $array;

Examples of use:

function require_login($returnURL = false) {
	if (!is_logged_in()) {
		$returnURL = (($returnURL) ? $returnURL : 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
	else {
		//user is logged in -> reinitialize every few minutes just in case any user data has changed since
		if ((time() - $_SESSION[SESSION_NAME]['user']['last_initialized']) > (60*5) || getParam('refresh') == 1) { //check at least once every 5 minutes
			return reinit_user();
// Redirect to confirmation
$dataArray = array(
    'id' => $id,
    'confirm' => 'add',
if (getParam('add_auto') == 1) $dataArray['add_auto'] = 1;
if ($gDebug) $dataArray['debug'] = 1;
redirect($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $dataArray, $gDebug);