How to explode $_POST values

Hi.I want to do something like following code, but the check boxes appearing from given code are not checked after form submission.Here is my code:

$arr = $_POST['cust_occup'];
$cust_occup_array = explode(",",$arr);

$chkAr = array("Employed", "Self", "Business", "Professional", "House", "Others");

		for($i=0; $i < count($chkAr); $i++){
			echo '<input type="checkbox" name="cust_occup[]" id="cust_occup" value="'.$chkAr[$i].'"';
				foreach($cust_occup_array as $arry){
					if($chkAr[$i]==$arry){ echo 'checked="checked"'; }
					else{ echo ''; }
			echo ' > '.$chkAr[$i].'&nbsp;';

Can anyone tell me how to explode $_POST string values to compare with an array?Any guidance will be very helpful for me.

This is the basics:

$chkAr = array("Employed", "Self", "Business", "Professional", "House", "Others");

//spoofing your POST vars
$_POST['cust_occup']["Employed"] = 'on' ;
$_POST['cust_occup']["Self"] = 'on' ;

foreach( $chkAr as $item){
    if( array_key_exists($item, $_POST['cust_occup']))
        echo 'selected = selected';

You can also make your chkAr work as a security white list too:

$chkAr = array("Employed", "Self", "Business", "Professional", "House", "Others");

$_POST['cust_occup']["Employed"] = 'on' ;
$_POST['cust_occup']["Self"] = 'on' ;

// uncomment this row to see the script die
//$_POST['cust_occup']["Nasty_HACK"] = 'on' ;

$posted_keys = array_keys($_POST['cust_occup']);

if( array_diff($posted_keys, $chkAr)){
 exit('Someone has been tampering with your values');

foreach( $chkAr as $item){
  if( in_array($item, $posted_keys)){
        echo $item. ' selected = selected' . PHP_EOL;
       echo $item . PHP_EOL;

ps UNTESTED with real POST values btw …

Thanks for your reply Cups. I tried to implement your code in mine. But things dont seem work.May be I am going wrong somewhere.
Here is my new code:

$chkAr = array("Employed", "Self", "Business", "Professional", "House", "Others");
$_POST['cust_occup']["Employed"] = 'on' ; 
$_POST['cust_occup']["Self"] = 'on' ; 
$_POST['cust_occup']["Business"] = 'on' ; 
$_POST['cust_occup']["Professional"] = 'on' ; 
$_POST['cust_occup']["House"] = 'on' ; 
$_POST['cust_occup']["Others"] = 'on' ; 

for($i=0; $i < count($chkAr); $i++){
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="cust_occup[]" id="cust_occup" value="'.$chkAr[$i].'"';
if( array_key_exists($chkAr[$i], $_POST['cust_occup'])) 
        echo 'selected = selected'; 
echo '> '.$chkAr[$i].'&nbsp;';


anita_86, checkboxes need checked=“checked”

foreach( $chkAr as $item){
echo '<input type=checkbox name=cust_occup['.$item.'] id=cust_occup value="' .$item .'" ' ;
 if( in_array($item, $posted_keys) )  echo  " checked = 'checked'";
echo ' />' . $item . PHP_EOL ;
// gives me

<input type=checkbox name=cust_occup[Employed] id=cust_occup value="Employed"  checked = 'checked' />Employed
<input type=checkbox name=cust_occup[Self] id=cust_occup value="Self"  checked = 'checked' />Self
<input type=checkbox name=cust_occup[Business] id=cust_occup value="Business"  />Business
<input type=checkbox name=cust_occup[Professional] id=cust_occup value="Professional"  />Professional
<input type=checkbox name=cust_occup[House] id=cust_occup value="House"  />House
<input type=checkbox name=cust_occup[Others] id=cust_occup value="Others"  />Others

Correction: as pointed out by @centered_effect; SB “checked”

Thanks for your valuable reply centered effect and Cups.I will do these changes and see if it works :slight_smile: