How to fix this loop thru for Items on page to push to Shopping Cart?

When function is called it adds that one product found into the shopping cart.

How can I update this to loop thru for each itme listed on the page, Each Item has a Unique ID (uProdID)?

					//Check if the product already exist in Cart if exist update quantity
					for (var a in productCart) {
						if (productName == productCart[a].productName && giftPrice == productCart[a].productPrice){
							prdQty = productCart[a].productQty++;
							//Update Cart Summary Top Header
							return false;

Here is the unique ID & how it is associated.

var prodId = $(this).attr(‘id’);

var onlyProdId = prodId.substring(4);

I know we should be using a each function to loop thru each item on page but this is what we add and it seem incorrect, any help will be great

					//Be sure the Valdiate each Item ID is correct before loading
					//Shopping Cart					
					var productCart = $(product_item_'+uProdID+');
					productCart.each(function(idx, li) {
					var products = a;					
					//Check if the product already exist in Cart if exist update quantity
						for (var a in productCart) {
							if (productName == productCart[a].productName && giftPrice == productCart[a].productPrice){
								prdQty = productCart[a].productQty++;
								//Update Cart Summary Top Header
								return false;