How to get blog comments


Dear members, please suggest how to get blog comments on our blog, most of the comments what we receive are from SEO’s which has link to some other website.
Because of back link to our direct competitors website we don’t publish the comments. Does it hurts Blog reputation if we publish comments having links to other websites.

Best Regards
Sudipta Banerjee

Call to action. Ask a quetion at the end of the article, ask for the oppinion of the readers or make them choose between two options (which have something to do with the topic)


Kaloyangeorgiev has a good suggestion. Encourage people to comment by adding a call to action at the end of every post. Something like “What do you think about [topic or theme of post]. Join in the conversation” or something like that.

In answer to your other question, be careful which comments you publish. In terms of SEO, it may not matter much which links you have leading away from your site (especially if you have them set as nofollow anyway) but I would be more worried about your image and the type of links and comments you allow on your blog.

Here are some tips on getting more comments,



Agreed!! I think if you ask question at the end of the article then visitors or readers will give you an answer of it, automatically your comments will rise.

Are you writing authority content in your niche?

Write awesome content and as the readership grows, you’ll get genuine comments by the hundreds :slight_smile:

You should add more interesting content to your blog. And you should promote your blog to the main social media website, so you will find you get more traffic. then you will get more comments… and spam…haha