How to get end date onto previous row


I’m trying to extract start and end dates as the delimiters of different periods. I would like them to be on the same row, but I can’t figure out how to do it.

The query I’m using is:

-- This select gets the start and end dates, but on different rows
    SELECT date AS start_date
         , date_sub(date, interval 1 second) AS end_date
      FROM log
     WHERE date(date) >= '2013-06-10 00:00:00'
       AND date(date)  < '2013-06-16 23:59:59'
       AND type in (1,2,3)
  GROUP BY date(date), type
-- This next one gets the end date for the last date in the period
    SELECT date_sub(date, interval 1 second) AS end_date
         , date
      from (
             SELECT date
               FROM log
              WHERE date(date) > '2013-06-16 23:59:59'
                AND type IN (1,2,3)
           GROUP BY date(date), type
              LIMIT 1
           ) AS next_one
    ORDER BY start_date

An example of the data I’m working with is:

date                type
2013-06-06 13:05:44 1
2013-06-13 15:34:45 2
2013-06-13 15:31:08 1
2013-06-20 13:10:32 1
2013-06-27 14:05:16 1
2013-07-04 13:58:14 1

The result I’m currently getting is:

start_date          end_date
2013-06-13 15:31:08 2013-06-13 15:31:07
2013-06-13 15:34:45 2013-06-13 15:34:44
2013-06-20 13:10:31 2013-06-20 13:10:32

So now the end date for row 1 is in row 2 and the one for row 2 is in row 3 etc.

Does anyone know of a technique to get the end date in row 2 to appear in row 1 i.e. against the one it relates to?


The way you do this is to do a join to the same table, joining on the earliest date after the date in the main table. And you get the earliest date by doing a subquery. It always feels like I’m doing one join too many when I do this, so I’m open to correction.

SELECT `log`.type, `log`.`date` AS start_date, AS endDate
FROM `log` 
 LEFT JOIN `log` AS next_log_entry
	ON next_log_entry.type = `log`.type AND = (
		`log` next_log_entry2
		WHERE next_log_entry2.type=`log`.type 
WHERE `log`.`date` >= '2013-06-01 00:00:00'
    AND `log`.`date`  < '2013-06-16 23:59:59'
    AND `log`.`type` IN (1,2,3)
ORDER BY `log`.`type`, `log`.`date`

Using this table data:

DATE                   TYPE  
-------------------  --------
2013-06-06 13:05:44         1
2013-06-13 15:31:08         1
2013-06-20 13:10:32         1
2013-06-27 14:05:16         1
2013-07-04 13:58:14         1
2013-06-13 15:34:45         2

And I get this result:

  type  start_date           endDate              
------  -------------------  ---------------------
     1  2013-06-06 13:05:44  2013-06-13 15:31:08  
     1  2013-06-13 15:31:08  2013-06-20 13:10:32  
     2  2013-06-13 15:34:45  (NULL)               

I’d also be inclined to avoid using function calls in your WHERE statements (eg DATE(date)) because, as far as I know, MySql will have to apply that function to every row in the table, thus skipping indexes and slowing down the query.

totally agree with you on the point about not using functions in the WHERE clause like DATE(date)

however, i don’t like your replacement –

WHERE `log`.`date` >= '2013-06-01 00:00:00'
  AND `log`.`date`  &lt; '2013-06-16 23:59:59'

leaving aside the obvious cheap shot about not using those horrid backticks, i prefer my version –

WHERE &gt;= '2013-06-01'
  AND  &lt; '2013-06-17'

there, isn’t that nicer?

also, note that yours would fail if it is run at exactly 23:59:59


Thank you hessodreamy, that did the trick.

Yes, I do agree about the use of the date function. That was an oversight, as I have to use it on another very similar table that has its dates stored in unix timestamp format in an integer column. I’ve never understood why people do that when there are perfectly good date data types available. Oh well, never mind.

r937 - That’s certainly another way to do it. Or one could use BETWEEN, which is what I did.


no, don’t do that

BETWEEN will do an equals match at both end points of the range, and that would be wrong at the top end

whereas what i posted will work correctly always, regardless of the precision of the column in question, whether there are seconds, milliseconds, or whatever

the benefit of my technique (not specifying BETWEEN) becomes obvious when you are dealing with the last day in february


storing data from a legacy unix application is one good reason

making things easier or more familiar for php programmers would be a bad one


If I understand you, in those cases apply your function call to the constant in the condition. So instead of saying

where from_unixtime(timestamp) > "2013-12-01"

You’d use

where timestamp > unix_timestamp("2013-12-01")

This allows MySQL to apply the function once, and use the index of the table (I’m assuming this field is indexed) for faster lookup.

All good points. Thanks.

Re. the dates, 3 points:

  1. Unfortunately I have to work with the dates that are fed from the application, which means I need to include the upper one in the range, so the between will do that, although it may not be the most future proof method.

  2. The application is only a few years old, so no legacy data.

  3. Date data types give more scope for easy date manipulation than a straight integer does.

But that doesn’t detract from your points, though, as they all quite valid.


i still don’t understand

if you are tasked with returning data for the dates of january 27 through january 29, and given that your date column is a datetime and not just a simple date, would you please show me your BETWEEN code

WHERE date BETWEEN '2013-01-01 00:00:00'
               AND '2014-01-31 23:59:59'

okay, at least you captured most of the datetimes on the 31st (you’re missing any that took place between 23:59:59.000 and 00:00:00.000, which is admittedly a small window of error, but don’t forget our dear cousin murphy)

when you say the dates are fed from the application, are you saying that the application will already pre-calculate things like properly handling the last day of february?

Yep, it gives the start and end dates for the period being requested.