How to get url parameter values with JavaScript

How do you extract the parameters from a URL with JavaScript. For example I have a list of urls such as http://domain/musicapp/player.html?id=1 and http://domain/musicapp/player.html?id=2. How can I ensure that when I click one of the links that I pull the value of the id using JavaScript.

Everything in the URL starting with the ? is contained in the variable. To extract the values from there you need to first split on any & characters so as to get each name/value pair separately and then split each on the = to separate the name and the value.

For example the following function will return an object where each field named in the URL is returned as a property that has the value specified.:

function qs() {"use strict";
var query, parms, i, pos, key, val, qsp;
qsp = {};
query =;
parms = query.split('&');
for (i=parms.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
   pos = parms[i].indexOf('=');
   if (pos > 0) {
      key = parms[i].substring(0,pos);
      val = parms[i].substring(pos+1);
      qsp[key] = val;
return qsp;

So the value of id will be stored in what variable then qsp [0].val???

I would recommend:

parms = query.split( /&(amp;)?/i  );

How do you retrieve tbe value of id though?

With that function you can use

var parms = qs();

and then the value of the id will be in