How to hide source page?

If you’re worried about people seeing the source code to the website then in my opinion the website is heading in the wrong direction anyways. What makes a website is the content, for that is what really drives a website. I have seen (I’m sure others have to) websites with great content with a terrible design do very well and websites with lousy content with a great design do terrible. There’s a happy medium and that is concentrating on content first and then having a decent to great design. That is why a person designing a website shouldn’t go live with it until majority of the content is ready (if realistically possible).

That denies access to the page completely to anyone without JavaScript and those who do have JavaScript can still access the source after their browser decrypts it in order to display the page.

Ok, i know! Use flash :)) That hides it for sure! And don`t tell me you can use a decompiler … if you say that, my next answer would be that by using an invisible one, would require an invisible source, so noone can see it!

Particularly given that a lot of devices that people use to access the web do not support flash at all.

Then of course there are all the people who have flash disabled in their browser and who only enable it when they expect to need it.

You’d be hiding the version you want people to see from a significant fraction of visitors.

Come on Stephen, you were already in April 1st territory when you posted that, surely you can recognise a wind-up, even if webcosmo was a little bit premature in posting it from the USA :cool: