How to Increase Sale Through Mobile Commerce?

How mobile commerce is helpfull to grow by sale ? Do you use mobile stores to expand your reach with customers? Are you taking benefit of the mobile stores for your business? What do you think can be major improvements in mobile stores to gain more acceptability among customers ?

The more exposure you get the better and mobile is another way to get exposure. Also google may be soon penalizing websites for not having a mobile version. We are highly recommending our customers create a mobile version if they have not already as it’s becoming increasingly more important to have.

Follow the steps :–

  1. Make a proper research on the mobile devices popular for the products and services you are selling.
  2. Make a proper website (Responsive design) so that your website can be accessed by any mobile device.
  3. Always check customer feedback
  4. Discount offers

A report states that today, 22% of all google search done from smartphones. Fully optimized mobile site helps in gaining traffic.

The most important thing is the responsive website design, make your website responsive, it should adopt to any screen size. Ensure that site load time is extremely quick, and placement of design elements such as product, add to cart buttons, more information should be perfect.


That might well be true. The number sounds plausible.

But it doesn’t mean that 22% of e-commerce sales are done from smartphones. I haven’t seen any figures on this, but I suspect that many people will be comfortable doing basic web browsing and searching from a mobile device, but might be reluctant to complete a financial transaction in that way, especially if it involves entering detailed or sensitive information.

Of course, that will inevitably change over time, as more and more consumers give up using a desktop PC or laptop in favour of a hand-held device. Mobile e-commerce is not something you should ignore.


For increase the sale make a proper research on the mobile devices popular for the products and services you are selling.
Always you check out customer feed back and you also make a proper website so that your website can be accessed by any mobile device.Tech/customer support can also benefit from a mobile presence, as you can minimize the time between inquires from a prospective cutomer still interested in your services and secured purchases (taking too long, he’ll potentially take his business elsewhere or lose interest).

Forrester report states that Mcommerce drives 15% increase in sales.

Nowadays mobile commerce is a very fast growing online business. If you want to increase your business you should have a mobile base website and you can also develop an apps for smart phones.

I have my store in oscommerce. The add ons available right now are only for mobile phones and not for tablets.
Any clue if anyone knows about osc 2.3.1 add ons ?

You want more action from your mobile users, do the following:

  1. Go to your Google Analytics and find out what is the most popular mobile platform your visitors are using (Yup this info is available on Google Analytics).
  2. Optimize your site for those devices.
  3. Make sure they load fast, if you Google info on mobile marketing, a lot of mobile users get turned off by speed.
  4. Make your site super easy to use and function. I’m talking so a kid can use it as well. Try downloading the apps companies like Fab, Zappos and other similar flash sales sites are using.
  5. Keep at it. Everyday, more people are purchasing on mobile marketing, it’s the next frontier for sure . . .
  6. Just remembered this one, make your user feel secure. Also another major concern for mobile buyers.

All the best!