How to insert Quotes, Pipes, %, IS, IN, LIKE, bracket and variables in Concatenated S

Can someone please recommend a book or links to articles where I can learn how to insert Quotes, Pipes, %, IS, IN, LIKE, bracket and variables in Concatenated SQL query string literals?

I don’t know the syntax to write statements with string literals.


i should just like to point out that the plus sign is used for string concatenation only in a very small number of database systems

database systems that follow sql standards use the double pipe (||) for concatenation

Are you looking for something like this?

SELECT 'region and store is ' +region_name + '|' + store_name as regstore

If so, syntax may vary between databases. Also review concat() or use of ||

in mysql use the CONCAT function

Thank you for the reply. I am exactly looking for what you have. I am using MYSQL, Java and JAVASCRIPT and I want to learn how to write statements.
